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Show LAST NlGHrS FLASHES. j Smad-pox is sdl! raiting in Piris. Moiitiens:er insists on his candidacy to the Spanish throne. The duty on oats is reduced by the senate to tr'e cents a hush' 1. 'I he London 7 (' praises Grant's Cuban messace. The Khedive of Egypt is expected at Constantinople. The total income from all sources for the fiscal year is about 335,000 000. The reduction of the ni tional debt for the past month is about $15 000,-000. 000,-000. The German and Swiss Methodist conference has voted for lay de.ega-tioti. de.ega-tioti. The mercury dropped twenty degrees in Chicago, from Thursday to yesterday. yester-day. Hot weather in Minnesota has scorched the crops like a flame of fire. The Alaska fur hill went to the president pres-ident on Thursday evening, and it is believed he will sign it. The President has sig ed the act giving priority to certain revenue cases to which a state is a party in courts of the United States. W. II- Andrews, a colored member of the Virginia egislature has been arrested on the charge of perjury aud hailed. The insurgent Bembeta has invaded Santa hertuosa, Cuba, to incite the people to revolt. Kansas has plenty of rain, no grass-hoppeis grass-hoppeis and good crops, and has received re-ceived 50 000 l exas cattle this season The Kansas Pacific raiboad will be nt Tl..T.,7r tie Spntendler" it. lw ni.ro 35 miles west of Kit Carson. There is a big steamboat race on the Mississippi, between the steamers Lee and Natchez, from New Orleans to Memphis A foolish lot of laborers at Killar-ney, Killar-ney, Ireland, tried to destroy si. me mowinsr machines on Thursday, hut were baffled and arrested " The last English su-vivor of the batte ought June 1, 1813. between the fr gates Chesapeake, American, and Shannon, English, has died near Gloucester, Eng., aeed 85. Amendments to the tax bill, authorizing author-izing the transportation in bulk of iui ported goods from the port of entry to the poj t of delivery, and to p ohihii the enforcement of coolie contracts were rejected by the senate. The English Commons has decided that the nible is not to he read in government gov-ernment schools, as a part of the dailv exercise, and that the teachin.tr is not to be directed against the tenets of any sect Three children, a'l girls, were drowned from the capsizing of a boat near Hamilton, Canada, on Thursday They were with tli jir father, Thomas Swing ard. at the time. Win. Oder, the cmduetor who was the cans'.' ot the terrible collision at. Eureka, May 19, is held in St. Louis upon the charge of manslaughter, with hail a 10.000 |