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Show Good. (Jolighily & Harris, of the Globe, hive commenced supplying-1 y whole.--. !o crackers of every description, descrip-tion, properly packed for shipping, pure homo made candies and everything every-thing in the bakery line. adv Ot'R Adykiui.skh.s. Those who Lavo furore i us w:lh their i,d ei tist-i u;c: ts nil please be..r with us for a f.w mys, and cue utteuii n will be c.dUd 'o '1 cir v ri-- u i'nesof bus. nee. . Good wholesome Vinegar. Anyone Any-one can make it. Head the advertisement advertise-ment of V. 11. 15ihop in thus paper. ndv "Wanted." We direct the atten t'on of the public to the .system of advertising ad-vertising which we have inaugurated for brief notices, under the beading ''Wanted." Person.-wanting "'heips," or otliers seeking .situations, houses to let, or wanted to rent, farms fur sale, articles lost or found and in fact everything every-thing of that character which can be put within the space of four lines, will be advertised at fifty cents for each insertion. Just tiieTiiimj Vegetables,fruit, poultry, uuuerand eggs m abundance at M. uhadd's Pioneer Green Grocery, East Temple stiect. adv iK vsonaiu.k. icecream ami summer sum-mer drinks at Henry Wallace's, ea.st side Ka-t Temple street. Pure home made candies at wholesale cheap, and fancy groceries. adv We Saw crow Is of poop e at the Mammoth Shoe aud Hat store. Stepping Step-ping in to inquire the c.tu-e, we found that JJunfoid & tons were selling goods cheaper than ever. adv Tun Cuaio Mifitoscoi'E. This Microscope is simplified and adapted t'J popular as well as scientili j u.-e. A new optical wonder ! This is the only' instrument that requires no focal adjustment, ad-justment, and therefore can be readily U'ed by every one, e.en by children. Costing on!y two dollars ana seventy-five seventy-five cents, by mail, postpaid, it is with in the reach ot all in the community, and should be on the table of every practitioner. Head advertisement in this paper. adv How many housewives are there who have experienced the difficulty of obtaining good vinegar. Head the advertisement of W- 11. Bishop in this paper. udv ClttAlts. For an excellent brand of cigars and the choicest chewing and smoking tobacco, call on Ed. Harris, near the Post Office. adv ExciTEMKXT still runs high att the .Mauiinoth Shoe and Hat Store, claused by goods being old cheaper lhaiAever. adv BUM'OUD & SoiNS. JAMES TOU'XSKXD, Proprie 62, FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION'S E0I1 TRAVELERS. . n. n oss-Map oss-Map 1B u 3li slier, N'hr.lo-iil,. mid It, -tail llcal.T in Oval, Rustic and Fancy Frames, Engravings, En-gravings, ,i ho.rupi.s, Puoto-graphs, Puoto-graphs, Chromos, Albums, Al-bums, Pocket iMaps iin-l Charts. No. 31.1 Locust Start, St. Louis, Mo. Book and Stationery Dealers, Airi-iit anil Cun-vn.si-rs -.npi .l.f-tl at tin- lowest nife-.. S.-nd for 'li'-eril.tive eirenlarf. , - - - rv-'p'iiiL nn't u!nl C'iiju.'n-.l. Pain hiu its uo. It in'Iii-att'f the si-lit nf disrn.-ie anl itH nature. na-ture. Ifthp lur.ility. pruri-;! uii'l intensity of n jlisuriiur wciv imt ni;uiileli-il ly the turture it oc-r;uiuiis, oc-r;uiuiis, th( victim wmitil If rJiirurisdl liy tlout h liL-f'irt' he wtifi cunscioiis nf ilaniT. The itiilcsiTili-iil'lf itiilcsiTili-iil'lf tortured wliieh iirriniip;uiy DysjH'psiii, pn-rhule pn-rhule all tlmiM it tn tlu fliarm-ler nf tlic m:il:tHy. Cnnil'jit the enemy prumptly with Tmiium's K ri' kii v y.fi r i: N t SKi-T7.tR Ai,:-;i:ii:t. This ple;Lant sixcific nifWrt the list-;ise at all points in the wea.kene.1 stum:ih, the t'Tpi'l liver, the cmti-pated cmti-pated liuwrlfs. the ehattiTeil nerves and hy n-storinjr n-storinjr all these organs t. their natural cunditicn cfTectti a ratlieal run-. FOLD I'.V A I. L PKi:r,(ilSTS. . $ p I I : I p . $ p IMPORTANT TO EVERY LOYEROF NATURE! TKE CELEBRATED PATENT CRAIG MICROSCOPE. During tlv p'ixt Si r, Jcir.s ilx irorIi lias been trstiji'-d to bj tlmnx ntjs of Scientific Men, School Tcichrrx, Slu drats, Phjisicio ux und otlo'rx. Simlifi-1 On I Ad ijjt' d to Popular as ic H as Scientific itsr: it is an Ojiliad Wonder. Jts Mugn ififiinj power is TEX T1KU SAM) TIMKS ! Combining endhxs iiS'riKtion villi amusement; A l-autifid Gif, ami one that necer lours its int' n-st, rrc als the Uusei li wonders of t reat ion, Eds in Vinegar A"iniils in icatcr, Ch"tse. Mies, Sugar awl Itch InS'C S, Midi Globules, Atliilteca tions in I'm id and Drugs. At. io the Triehiiri jiiralix or lurk ufiriiis. A very beautiful and ornamental In-trumeiit, slmuld be on the tuble of every Family, Phy.-ieian, Sjientllie .Man, Student und School. An l ii.-een Kingdom i ojicnr-d to the eye ly this In.-truinent. No lover of the beautiful should be without it. Every Instrument is put up in a neat box, with f ull directions for u-ino it. carefully pasted on the coer, 'ihnusu'.ids have been ,-ent by mail, and the proprietor .iruarantces a safe tian.-it to eacli ii'.-t nirtient. We are end;nthen!ned-iri5h;nL j., 1Je-'S return to England Fami . -i-es, in which he appro- j "cravclins companion's learn-1 UTAH GEKTML RAILBt Pioneer Line of Ut"L.. Trains leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a. m. and !-' ' 1 arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and4;45 p.m.; leave Oyden city S a. ni. and 5:30 p. in.; arrive at Salt Lake city 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In addition to the aVove, an TRAIN WILL EUN, SUNDAYS, VEDNESDAYS, AND SATURDAYS, Leaving Ogden city 5 a m, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on v full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the sat day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the coi:Jucu at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers- r -i Passengers will please purchase their tickets at the offices. Fifty j ditional will be -charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to D.O.C ATD-KI, Ticket and Freight Agcnt.g Jos. A. Young, Su r - THE l'ULLMAX I'ALCE CAK COMPANY lUving i-oiiipl.-tcl ttrniligi'tii'-nU with tlie Pittsbuili, Fort Waij'uc, Railway, Paia-llsasidSc ISoeii' AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL Railroad, Tin- Palao Dmwln It. ."Ill Cars of 111.- C.-li-l.nit.-.l I'nlliiian I'atti-rn w.ll 1..- inn tlivoit'li. via tlii- Itotii,.. from ( ilH .lil.l to I'l lTSHI IHlll. I-1 I I.A I Kl.l'1 1 1 A an.l NKW VoKK 117 hunt Change ! Tlii- i- II..- I1NI.V K'H'TK KAST l..v tl.wii .;.,ii nr.. ...S.i.ii..-.- -I I'f l.i.M A . S 1'AI.AI'K CARS tl- Li, in- .li-liin..- Iioiii SA.N LllANClSCO t.. I'll I I.ADLI.I'il IA, M'.W VllKK an.l liiti-nn.-liatr l'..iiil... Tlllioriill TICK LIS via thU OilLAT SltoK T KOl 'I'K tor at 41'. Kal.l-.niin Si.. S.in Flan- tisc... Sa.'ianiriito, Salt Lak.-I'il v. D.-uv.-r, Lllitali. I'roliloiitory, CIip . niic, anil Oluaiia. J. N. .M.Cl.'LI.lUCIl. ll. IKI.il M;in:a-.T. 1'., ft. W. Si C. K r. D. S. OKAY, ih.l Ki-I'r,-. t Ic (l. ii. M.,.i;,--r. rall-llai,.!!.. Hoiil... KUWAI1D II. WILLI VMS, I i.'ll.Ti.l Sil ;..-rinti.ii..-iit. I'.-iili'a I Vntral l'..ll. THOMAS L. KIMIIALL. Io n 1 vW-i.-rii 1'.i-.-ii:'.t .'.u-' i.t. I'.-ori i. C.-nlial It. II. HI'.MtV Vi lo-n- ral Pa--.'!! ;.T ati'l 'I'i. k.. Au' 'iii. 1'. Nil ;, I . I. Hal H. II. Y'.r liiroriiiati.-n ali i Tliroii'li Ti. l.-t-. ..J-I'l.v ..J-I'l.v " Win. CaJdor''1-' f.iM.-r IlroV llooli Si. Ka-t T.,i WAIUU J " . SNUW. 3 p. in. r lies and Schools ITalf 0 S fhe T'ul Price. ReTcl The WIT. Two daily Kivi-r, o ,. ."r,T. Groves, This Ih.iiK ll.f dir. :t i llian Ihr low.-r IK..., mill iniiri- . i, in,,., i-ni ami S.,i,i,, i ' I'liK'-r-. l,a,N r,.in... '1 Cl.i &i'jay Cioc.r,!, L'aslrrns 1'ullnian's Palace .,; run through i,;, without. c,0 LI) ,,i:,lL. '. II. I'. ST WMiiiid. 'o il. I'a--. A:.; I !,i. . "tV 11 Vl.-l.-.n I',.,,, y, I" i- l.il..i-.ii.iii..ii ... n,I,..i. .,, al CM..,. lr, ,...k s,.;. .,. Salt l.ik.-l'.U. ' .. . xi. iiJAIlS. ThiNTHE DIFFERENT OIM'll, parties l Siring oALS, FROil A also a a. inir t he i Good ,o,r,10 A FULL C'JIli I'll ( ihfr Sun ne r J ' )r A '.i,d, Wf.LVG FKOM Iioj,.-M' Iioj,.-M' I :ni ;'' -and mi:'. "' ;':ro S2co LLSET. SATISFACTION i-N'TED IN ALL GASP?. OFFICE: outh Ftroet, 3 door west of re Hout-, Salt I Ae City. |