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Show ILATEST XEWS I BY TtLESSAPH LAST NIGHT ! Another Battle Esportsi With Equal Lcsses. i ! Protest of French CScers ! Against Napcleoirs Restoraticn- Fiirsuit cf the Loire Array, The Londou Press on the llelittious lietweeu Britain ami the United Mates. The Lfte Unsuccessful StrujrgTe of the Parisians. Par-isians. 'ews fvom Australia. Sonera I Xews. Sclienck for the English Mission. FOUEIGX. Havre, 7. The Prussians are advancing. ad-vancing. Another engagement has occurred in which the losses were equal. Loudon, S. FiTe hundred guns, of Colt's mauui'actnre, seized by the government gov-ernment on their arrival here, has been delivered to the con.-ignee. The Prussians exact ToO.UOJ francs indemnity, in Burgundy, lor the expulsion ex-pulsion of Germans. English are arriving fiom Havre, which the Prussians are hourly expected expect-ed to invest. The French olbeers, prisoners iu Germany, protest against the restoration restora-tion of Bonaparte. Versailles, 7. The pur.-uit of the army of the Loire continues. London, 8. The steamer L'niun has parted aujid-ships. But little of the cargo is saved. The Fust sees no hope of better relations re-lations between the United States and Biitaiu, as the best Americans avoid or are driven liom political life, and men like Butler wield political influence. influ-ence. The ostentatious courtesy shown to other nations is supposed to be unfriendly un-friendly to England. London. S. li is re-affirmed that Russia has ordered a hundred nietrail--eurs aud a million of metaihe cartridges cart-ridges in America. The twenty-third is now lixed for Ao-ut's departure for Spain. Xews from Tientsin report more hostile hos-tile demonstrations against the Christians. Chris-tians. The Time asks for no indemnity for the insults Leaped on England i:i eon-sequence eon-sequence of the Alulniii'i, but craves a settlement of the claims not merely because it is just, but as inaugurating a better feeling aud closer unity. The 'J ri'.unc correspondent telegraphs, tele-graphs, from Champs, the headquarters headquar-ters of the Saxon.-, that the whole number of Germans engaged in the recent operations in that vicinity was only tithUUO. This force, it seemed, had been detailed for offensive jiove-ments, jiove-ments, and the programme was greatly complicated by the unexpected counter offensive movement of the French, projected pro-jected against ll 1 iters, and with the hopes ot ultimately bieaking through the cordon which surrounded them. It thus happened that as the Germans were prc-sing in to drive the French from Brie and Cliampigny, the Fiencb were simultaneously pouring out to take Villiers. After noting the details of the battles, the desperate valor of i he Saxons, the stubborn struggle of the French, and their final dele it, t'.'.e correspondent thus speaks of the result and losses: ot much have the Saxons Sax-ons gained, nor was there much to gain. The Wui'temhurgers held onu end of Cbampigny. Briestands euipiy and desolate. Ihere were French in it this morning: later there were Saxons That is ail. But look at the bloody part of the picture. I he number of dead I cannot a-c, nam, but the German Ger-man wounded were over a thou-aud. I'be French, if tbey lost fewer knkd and wounded, lust a thousand prisoners. prison-ers. Had it been possimetor the Saxons Sax-ons to hold Brie, the French advance would have heeii iiuru--i"ie. A inking ink-ing fire wou'd lime lehp'ited brfa-:i: g the slope toward Yti.hi.-. i he i'rcnrh had metrailicurs s .mewbere m plain ; at any ra'1 'I'.e r..,y s wnr! was a final fa lure it" Fn-nea hi. pes. Ihe Lieru.au l:na s'."o i eve. where ui,i r i-sen. i-sen. Fails was no more !;ee than bc-ibre. bc-ibre. S m I raiic'.so n D e i -'. 1 :;e Mj-'S Tu'.-r. ! si 11 ei -lu'-j, br.-c, li.r-s :-oai Sy in. ,- to - P- m- f t..- Oct"! cr. Tie: le a - s l-ta n- ;'; e.ilenies. T..e F-. ! ml - on.u:--i i-i.-t- rop. au j vei'-. 1 o ' a "e : : .a n . i tra. it' En- :n i - a 1 fhi de!.,n-e c-::m. --.:-: Tl.e l.ea:h s;.;a.-;r Hi-cft, ...L ed Sydney an i r t..s n .1 oay t.i g: ii" sit ; 1 c-s. A r. ...tc: c. Gera.a:i ia--i s is la i ;j tr., Tbe Aceericarl ,.' se anisr. .V-... , has arrau.-el th." F ' an :: -. p iisi i 1 A.: si..:.: .. . i leave ; ; V;, . r" a - 1.1 " .cjr.a :.a::.-. t. , s :.i,- b-.en j rc'..en', w.:b gr-.t-t .j-s cl ,.:e ana I re.:"-";y- The ycr rev l'j : s. Li Ccn-i e r';,.-. de rease. The !ijtr Aei ar.ls .r.g ! the t'c-rc-:5. sll-:i :.r A-: i-;i. A '. ' ' n In New '.a'a-ii :l.c re'-:i ',o 'n: .- , ifillcwcrs :ee re.ir.rrl o 'ess tnan a; . ,.nJ ------ - - ciads have tecii od- re.i tv :l:e F:neii r-overnmcu' to r-palr i'lime i a'e y ts Havre, t.i assi-t in the defense ot the city. |