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Show Telegrams. LIGHTNING FLASHES. The senate basset apart the 14th for business from the committee on commerce. The bid for the apportionment of members of congress is made the special order for the Vth. The bill authorizing tho secretary of the interior to change the boundaries of laud districts without increasing their number, has passed the senate. James B. Delford, of Indiana, is nominated associate justice of the supreme .court of Colorado. The House reconstruction committee have attached a proviso to the Georgia bill, that nothing therein shall interfere inter-fere with the election in Georgia this fall. The senate foreign committee has agreed to report a resolution rescinding rescind-ing the slave !rade treaty of -Madeira, '0-, with England. The house bill to furnish soldiers who have lost limbs in the service with artificial limbs, or their equivalent in money, every five years, will be re-po' re-po' ted to the senate. The Cunard steamer Tripoli, from Liverpool, is ashore near Croussel; passengers safe. Oilman Marston is confirmed governor gov-ernor cf Idaho. A secret political movement has been discovered at Leghorn, Italy; twenty-two persons are arrested. The Spanish Cortes had a warm debate on the monarchy question on monday. llevero, denounced the Bourbons and monarchy generally, and made a sensation. lie was loudly loud-ly cheered. Heavy rains in India are causing apprehensions of a short cotton crop. The breach in the opposition party, of the French legislature is caused by a complete diiiereuce of opinion as to the attitude to be maintained towards the ministry. General Wiilimetis re-elected Grand Master of the French masons. The British Consul at Havana has information that the steamer Chieftain, ostensibly for Japan, is really to assist the Cubans. 'Ihe Tripoli, a late disja'ch saj-s, has arrived at Boston Injury trifling. The commander ot the arch knights templars will attend the grand conclave at Williamsport, Pa., on the 14th inst. A hundred Chicago Fenians thruit-ened thruit-ened the camp at S.iult bt. Marie, but changed their minds and wont towards Uulutii The French settlers at White Horse plains have tlucidud to oppose the lied Paver expedition. A declaration of Bed lliver independence indepen-dence is expected- The Ohio republican state convention conven-tion is called for August 1 U, to be composed com-posed of 473 delegates. The national photographers' association associ-ation is in session at Cleveland. Four hundred will attend it. The largest and finest collection of photographs ever seen iu this country is on exhibition. exhibi-tion. William Yartie was killed by lightning light-ning in Pittsburg, Pa , on Monday. The senate debated the San Bomiti-go Bomiti-go question ou Monday. There is a more favorable feeling regarding it. The mayor of JS'ew York is about to recommend the removal of all telegraph poles in the city and the laying of underground un-derground cables instead. Wm. Sleaton shot and killed Amelia McCloughlin ami then himself iu Philadelphia, on Tuesday. The reform candidate for mayor of Washineton had a majority vote of 32UU. The Bowen republicans elected two aldermen and five councihnen two of the latter colored. The Emery republicans re-publicans elected five colored. Lord Derby laid the corner stone of a new hospital in Liverpool on Monday. Mon-day. The American delegates in the Ecumenical Ecu-menical Council show a growing disin-clinaiion disin-clinaiion to the infallibility dogma. fires have broken out iu the woods in many parts of Europe, owing to the dry weather, and have resulted in much loss of life and property. Hundreds of acres of the forest of Foritainbleau were iu flames on Monday. Mon-day. The people succeeded in checking check-ing the fire. Latest Flasltes. A meeting was held in New York on Tuesday night and a project started to establish a uuivcisity of the highest class fur women, in that city. The project was favored in speeches by several eminent scholars, and a committee com-mittee appoin ed to collect money. Twenty churches were represented at the Baptist association meeting on Tuesday in New York. Lev. West Colt reported a great religious change in Mexico. French infidelity is superseding super-seding Catholicism. '1 he Chinese and Spanish make the strongest appeals for religion. The general assombly of the Presbyterian Presby-terian church has decided to use the Heidelberg catechism, and wish to unite with the lietormed Protestant church. Five bills for land grant subsidies to canals in California, ten sections to the mill', were reported to congress yesterday. yester-day. A bill was introduced into congress yesterday to give all coal lands on the line of the P. Pi. R. to that, company, at the minimum government price. General Potts is expected to be con-finned con-finned envoi nor of Montana. The foundation of the new masonic temple in New York was laid yesterday, yester-day, with imposing ceremonies. More than forty thousand masons participated, participa-ted, and the display was the grandest of a masonic character ever witnessed in New York. The Roumanian outrages are again denied by Wolff s continental telegraph company, Europe. The engine : nd three cars of the Montreal express train, on the Harlem extension line, ran into the river at Clarendon bridge yesterday. The fireman is missing; the enirine driver had a leg broken, and the baggage master is slightly wounded. - . |