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Show IMI.!'(iS. A- : - . K.- 1 1 c-ai. I'. . : 1. r. . ; I' .- : . .i.-: t .a: -. An ' l . w.nia Wi '-':' ': i". r i,:: -r CiV tt.it l-t n-.-i v.- .-.- o .r. e to a cJ.T'j-l-t i:r .:!..-- Nj' .-. a :ti f, :.j i" i' -'e i tj;Li- f Li--.i it Li: :.r L-.-'.. 1;.- -r.,f 1 C ii.i-r.- t'.r III.'.:.-!-!) i L) .-r.-rr t . t- i- v . i ' j w -r-L f. Lit t'j prvr? a : ; .c : .c t:.'-- r-.-i u-u ut' t:.. 1 L-r j --:.'. .- u.- - Vry i.x. t..-v-n m ii n tuit ::.e ll:-.: l t: r -j -irv t..a'i l'r'--;i,Lt or' lir- Tr .' j-!'.ct. j:i t' r A.Lay U ti- r-v.ju ia t-j H y ul' tLe Ijiu-r ; .A.-.-, w :u .-j of A-tuy a k "j.:: ll- Lor-.- p -j-e, Luiio- u; a L. j:--it.ire a:.- ao'-L-r catt. ? u.a:ct. A tiijii nay.ed i!:a i!-y. re-:j.!:- ia liutitrr entity. Ky., is vvry t iLat he is ivatj ..cd to do ti;':uul tS-!.-.. hiviD.' Lythib else to live uj.oii' L'at t!:e reputation of be: a .r the grani-; grani-; ,.Q of Patrick ll'.nry. Mr-, llcary, a j u!ar .rea.-'UT in Ms"Uri, a as pa-tor. docs the ?nii-ii:,.' ?nii-ii:,.' tor tic cMircation, prearhc-threi; prearhc-threi; ti:''i a '.!, looks a:'icr the m orti - ( I tiic lut-Lu''is, u!ll ta;cs -a:c six l:'.t:e cl.il ireti. I'r. lf:-!i s.iij the reason wl.y Cur-i:;a!.- d c so scl'.:o:i; of co:i-o:npuci is tlie fa- t cfti.cir siiuiiij lioui iLe car-h'-.t cLiiJhoj 1. Vuo'.licr lucdic.U au-ihority au-ihority ays ti,ar the ilosjii why so tuaiiy Ucraiaijs die of eocsuuiption is because tl.t-y MDoke so much. The reader can take Lis choice. Cheyenne, dice called tlie ''Mastic City," on account of its marvellously rapid growth, has decayed as rapidly as it tt''ew UP- Tha i'uw inhiibitants who remain there tiud it useless to try to resu-citate the i!ace, and a dozen undeveloped UOjcct3 for building a Metropolis of the plains have been at last abandoned-Prince abandoned-Prince Bismarck is to receive a parliamentary par-liamentary grant of 1,Ou0,0o0 thalers in recognition cf his services to the country. Gens. Moltke, Goeben, Wer-der Wer-der and Fransecki will receive grants : of 3oO,wU aud 600,UO0 thalers each. The commanders of army corps will receive smaller appropriations from the Emperor s private exchequer. A writer in a European paper remarks re-marks that "Thomas" is the cham pion Democratic name. He says: Did you ever, in tho course of your read-intr, read-intr, meet with the Christian name of Thomas in connection with royalty, either as Emperor, Iving, Prince, royal Duke, or any scion of royalty, either in ancient or modern times? That particular name is not used by members mem-bers of roignicr; families. Work on the long projected tunnel under the Detroit river, which is to afford easy communication between Michigan and Canada, will commence this summer. There, are to be three cotnpartnjeuLs running parallel with each other, two of which will be about sixteen feet high, and the other, sonie- what less, wiil be built beneath and between the two others. It will take about two years to finish this piece of engineering. |