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Show FOB. LIVERPOOL & QUEEN3T0WM. ' IN MAN L INE! Of Royal Mull Steamers, SatUng; j from New York Every Saturday, AND l Alternate Tuesday. t'Rljla Passage, to LiTC-pocI. (pA&) $75.00 Steerage " ' " (cur.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (Ooll) STS.0O Steerage, -- - (Co-rency) 3.00 Round Trip Tickets is3ued at Tery low rate JOHN G.DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, iiew York, 0-WTT.T.IAM CALDKR, Agent, o-T Salt Lak City. TJt.1 h. f-i . H H H S P m s; 3 0 hlfeN HI rl 3 UTAH CENTRAL RAILIIOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870, Iaily Trains Lcare alt Lake City at 5 a-m and 2:i5 p.m-Arrive p.m-Arrive at Ugden 7 a. m. and 4:4o p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 a. m. and 5:J p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:20 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro;a S .70 CentrRville- 4 .50 Ftrmiogton $1.25 KjstuJ ..... 1j Cttden - - - 2Jm Fare from Ogden to Kiyaville... ......81.30 FarrairjKton Cntreviiie .. 2.ij Wood's Cross. 2 2.- Salt Lake City In addition to the abo , c AN ACGCMMCDATiaN TSi'W Will run - DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCPJPTLD. Leavin? Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Like City at 4:-kt p. ia., On which full fare will entitle the pirrhr.er 'if a ticket to return on the earne day and '"tin free, and will stop by arranging with to'i conductor nt a:iy point ori the line to ta.e ua r let off paoacngers. I'amtngcru will plf-ae Purchase tlieir Ticket at tlie Oilice. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when . th o f';rc collected on th(j train. For ali information conerninif freight or pa 'age, apply to r. O. CALDEK, Ticket and Freight Ais' Salt Lake City. .JON. A.. VO tit Nupt. SIN FRANCISCO OHAGKEUS. Fresh Lot Just Received. M TtMTIOI S. ,S"i'i'ih!c for Trm:il i,ul )umtl!e line TOP, SALE, CHEAP, AT GEO. W. DAVIS' him NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHiNF IS THE Standard Machine of the World! The Speclnl Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Mftclilnes at the Worth Carolina State Fair, held at. Knleia;h last week, awarded a Gold Medal to t' C Florence Sewing Machine for the i ease and quietness of 1 tn movement a, i pevfertion and large variety of work, and its valuable new features, ma-! king ii the most valuable Sewlug Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the Kew York "Tribune" of Oct. JLStb, 1870: S'EWIXG MACHINES. Ve have recently had occasioa to niaka gome in4uire3 into the progress of improre-ment improre-ment in- he mechanism of sewing; maohinep, and were not a little durprised to learn that the central idea in the first invention tae shuttles still holds ita place, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needie, B still the deans used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the grovth of trade ia chiefly with, theshuttlo-uting theshuttlo-uting machine.-) The improvements that are taking; firm hold in practical tue are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in tr.e detail of the shatile itself, or in other parts of the machine connected with it, to cause toe whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to aimpliiy its use. Many important rains in this direction, made since the first great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embodied in the "Florence" ia-chide; ia-chide; and we recommend our readers to carefully inspect the "iloreocs" before making ma-king a choice, ihe points peculiar to this machine are: An unusual amount uf money is spent id maKing the "fiorenee," thereby securing; the best material (at eel, for instance, where others ue cusi-iron ). and the : nest finish of important parts (the hu:tie. for eiamplr, being rigidly rejected it it varies from the standard l-2.07Jth of an inch I) It id emeu em-eu ui ted on the simpler t scientific principles, entirely di-pnsing with the cogs, and caw. a::d links wmch ?o often pot perTere! out of order and sorely perplei. every one but the practiced machinist by their unaccountable unaccount-able freaks, lue "Florence" i? so ily mauaged, and ita ue U eo readuy learned, that an ordinary girl of ten uaj sense -md muscle enough to run it priectly. The locK stitch, as made by tne "Florence' is very re;ui;irand perfect, veryetront ind elastic, and is drawn into the ia'-ric evuniy, ffrad-ualir, ffrad-ualir, exactly, ithr u t jerkiiig, and wilhout causing the seam to pucker, or straining the tortd so as to endanger its breaking ; con-iequently, con-iequently, vei y fine tnread.- and light fabrics can be u-ed. Beside? this, tne ' Florence" uo ai: out tne cneapet biyiesj ai-o nuaies ! three aj'Jditional ttit.-r ei a cU'Ublw 1"C.. a single knot and a double knot whi -b are stronger ; nd more elastic tnan any other stitch, and which are mode by no other machine. ma-chine. Ine "Florence" i. the uuiymcb-ne mat a $ a reveraio.e eed, whereby the direction di-rection of tne uewing can be iostantly changed without stopping the wr.ric, thus enabling the operator to grill r emuroider with unusual facility, to eew bck wards and easily atreugthen a seam wherever desired, and, anally, by a lew repeated stitches, to iHsien ends in the qtii'-kc.Ht aui strotfet way. Ii ia the only machine thai bu avelf-adjusting avelf-adjusting ihuttit- thread t-nion. which works so perfejtly lhai tne oporaUr caa run acroas the eaviest Prams and flew the finest linen and the thickest oroHdcloih it. iiumt-diae iiumt-diae succession withont breaking thethread and linear cnanging the neerile, stitch or tension. The "Florence" draws the thread into tne cloth with uneqoaled precuion iua certainty, by meanjul an ingenious automatic auto-matic "take-ap" wheel, which dispones of the black thread left after the stitch with mm accara;e promptness that prevenu at 1 marling marl-ing or dropping of stitches, and allowi tn operator to sew backward, or to run off tha cloth od on strain, with perfect impauity. It has an j rovea elastic hemmer, exclu sively its own, which is managed with e, and will make a heui of any width on any materml. It not only makes a pert vet gthr and sews it to a band at one operation, but 1 it hms, and binds, and fells, and quilu, and cords, and tncKs, and gather, and braids withont basting. bu"h special pruvisia ia made aga.ost injurious wear mat the "Flor-'rnce" "Flor-'rnce" is claimed and gUAranteed by theCom-pany theCom-pany to lwt twire as long witnout repair as any other shuttle machine in the in ark it, ifhut rhe slightest dithculty. Fvery part Of Ihh ' Florence" in so perfnrtly and permanently perma-nently a ijuted, and it has so tnw and points m1 friction, that it runs with the utmost ut-most eue. 'J ne nceUo is set acd hi read ed, and tne stitch r length en enl, shortened, or roveri'.d with the utmost ut-most a-e. In asii.g the "Floruni" neither tne w.rk nor the operator's 'Ire-s is nable to be soiled. The r tor--iCo" with all the c ains to superiority, soils at the same prio aj other hrat-clasj machtnes. These adraa Lihcrftlity in manufat'ire; btmf lie ty of con'truction; Facility o manieement; Variety ol ntitche.; Ki 7erthie locd; Slf-a dju.ning tenaion; Automatic UKe-U; Innrovotj himner; prnvirfion against woar; F-rfef t and p nnanent adjust mwn f ; ry-vy huou oi nc'iiQ ana ittitcn; C""inl'ricin an i nhn( ne-H; Tne be; u,y and high fio.sb of the machinr ,MaKe th') "I lorfji.ce." modflraluiy sinking, sink-ing, a ini."bino which to be valued, needs but to la J,riu No f;u,.iiy enn nfTord to ho without a sowing sow-ing rn;w;iiinc, aid wt bono that bolorn long one may b louad wherovor "Ih Xnbune is weituiue. TO THE LADIES Of Halt. Lake City, find through out (lie 'lrrttorlM of tali, Idaho. iH'ininu and Wyoming, AVo ftxU?nrl h mrrJiHl invitation to cull at ouv ollico, nd examino tho Ftorencu F'amily tSowwi Alticbino, whtlmr da ginifilf irnin'i'liuto iiurcnaso or not it Jb our bu.-vinnas una rih-usuro t S(liril c)oflj oxarniriKtion ana comparison, V j have on exhibition, in oronr tho mor ftasiiy Ut wxplain jioifiU of tiiO'nrfmco, in which we claim suporiority. the uia-cbinijs uia-cbinijs rf vnriijus niak'-ra, inclu'ling ttw (irovT & Jiaker, tSinor and Wlinoler Sc Wilan. Jn making Ruch oornpan son, no unfair advantao will lio taktn of rival rrmrbin'-a, hut on the contrary th;y will bo kept by a couipelent ma chinist in th" bent of running ordm 1 (some of them require as good an engineer engi-neer an a locomotive.) CHA3. S. HAMMER, Jrneral Agent, HALr Ii A K t; CITY, WVAli. Truckee LUMBER YARD. llair-Itloch South IJ. C. Depot. D. W. PARKHURST, CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS Ti Till GRIND GIFT EMERFRISK CLUS TICLST-' A l'O Subicribsrs of ah.repreeniiJg B " ' " 4 0 C 3 ' ' 00 U " 4 ' ( E " " 100 Esfb Has ! ditint, and the suK-riVrr t" air onenfthm will reap an rouai b tne hi accruing from the aggrsgate reulw 6o soon s tha full smplimrBf nflna-" Ifl i fU'i flUM the amount xurfi'tsi will hfl arphfd to tha purcha. of TtcktJ, and thy b dfpoiiled f. r rata kfping wiik a repoDitblc party uoiil aJtsr (he drawing. For furthsr particular apply to HKMMAM KAMI A, Vis serai bup'l of Orand U ill tnlerprip. At the bait Lstt Exchange ana Kes i-ng Room., f.l t O N f ; WiLLIAM CLAYTON, NOTARYJPUBLIC. Mining J)nds and nthr I.iai lntru-iiirnU lntru-iiirnU arknowlodinl. NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Collections utail lu, all iarta of h.uroir. Muslns Atttnilfd to with promptnosn and diatch. OFFICIO AT 7.. r, M, t., KAfiliF. k.m roit 1 1 ,n. i PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, N'll Donr K.llof III. Il.rnl.l, km workmtTl who Xini only rlmlr Walrlin. nil CliK-k.. hut will nmlm Vi In r,lor In Rny dxairotl .ITU. nr ftnjp vurt nf Ihnin, from ii,tur I'iui.ni in nn cnlir, Wul.ili. Wrl k,i,,iii nn n.i.lfrKM Tirim READ THIS! : SIWGER SEWI MACHINE In all the beautiful varietis. unnnrn Tin nnriT n T T" n TTTI Tt tTTinTITf mwt m im Di LVbuiiiuiii Contemplating the purchase of a iiuchino for family or other use. At our newly-fitted up Salesroom, ! Second Door Sowt h of the Eagle Km-porlum, Km-porlum, between ilie Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. J)I. I., will lie found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEAYLNG MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following JfcT" aV. I2 ahowi In 1") those now celebrated Machine? were Gr.-t offered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4m were sold. Today To-day oyer that number are weekly turned out from the factory, and yei this immense supply sup-ply ie noi e'lunl to the demand. At the end oi the year lvi7. upward uf Machine? were Bold, and in the then tullowin year, from to 'To, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOI. I), One third of which were dlnpoied of v k I li I n the prrct tl in y twelve uiuntlu. From the fnrc"in? ii will be rcn thi. Jur-inr Jur-inr the bt."t three yc.ir. the c.ile have oeen npward ol tifty per c nt inre tiian during the whulo of the tevcnteea pre'.ius eir:, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a acore of yrtn thorough trial la that the SEWIm'G machine aJ ipted to all kinl? of w irk. frwins: m rc.i'lily trie t!iicket and m---i luburu ir.a-trnal ir.a-trnal a the liuc-t an i ui"t deip-le I' r.: with a MU-i. that for tiQc.-(, pcrlcctiD and durb li.y i un-jii i!l--i. Af'juii'iuj ini rarb MichitiC are printed intruitiun. fo plain an J eyi-fc"tr. prrtirn- M"0 u', anQouta wo roruuimcnd cu-unn-er, to l.iks at ic ono lc.-op tr m tha tip erator. tt is sciJi'rn 1 ne-ircn-rr- er:!.j at a gimact thn finiilicity of th Mi-'Diiit 'ni c-juiplctcQc?3 v; :ao c-'onruciun. vxt ol tha xVT VANTAGE S op THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Kimplifit jr f eon -t rut in lb crcf-T Iwi liaiiiiy to iot out i f repair. Hhrt, traith' n. l!e l"f lihU to bad. brck or skip iu inu n. The shuttle i carrifvl: fr;tin. fr nd th Dr-fu; of (rtajinc the re are thus aroided. Raa.linws with which the mt innpsr-ieaced innpsr-ieaced cu adjuit tho tctiMvi ol tut thread. Free-lom fr-iro wer. Artcr twcniy years C'intnt rrvic ihr.a machines have nerar been known to wear out. They art sjiiiele.s, rspiJ and ea.y in all thsir LQorouicnis. All oir rna.'hinf.' are ad.iutrfl ani pnt In th"roush runiunc order. b cipr(fnl hainU. h f r delivery. Purchaser tacrrt.-re hare no troull. but can sucoculully operate wiih them at once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE :sr; a o ii t. x s arn thoroiirly prncticAl and will perform all that MQfUitu fr thriu. MANUFACTURING MACHINES for hoary wirk. ato to woll known to need ciuaiufiiU W e lo krp in stuck tho AVifJ M'-tfium Xot'stltss MANUFAC1US1NGMACHINES (nr st'-k ofihfi Mincer Seinc MaeMne is r ery pi i eni v e, in It r a fins rv ory v a ri r( j ! oi mii-n. irom inn piam mimmiiiip, mounted on hU. k wnlnut tftltle, oi'r.l. to tho plalntr-ai plalntr-ai ol ) pcHrlrtl M Kohuie. wit:, c hi net c.r and folding c.-vor in inotilrsl hinck w limit, rose, w . d. or tnrh- s my IiikIiIt i-, Krorr M cw na is I n i n i ii r-l w it U the ame ootnploto tiiriulnre. inclndmc the nowhem-nior nowhem-nior iowtiiK all w!, till?) and IHlor and brai-dsr. brai-dsr. We ftuninnloe niir llMrhlnra to An II e in nt I it g, all w Itl t hai Ke 1 1 1 n t 1 e in etllrhlnnt Hraldlugi finale tinftltiigi Kmltroldorlnif (iin rhnlu atllrhi ;ntherlng ftinl Setvlng on mt aam t line. wit h nr wit limit a Iminl, on the edge or i i 1 he re 11 1 ert Cord I it s 1 Tnr K-li'llUnllMniii K-li'llUnllMniii 'V 1-1 111 111 1 11 g 1 It t ml lug nil wldt ha antl k Imla, r t etc, et e. WE DELIVER MACHINES UV1111J A'lilitionnl ('Iitirijt TO M.I. I'AIITH (IF Tins rirv fi- Ml kiiuls of Sohiiij; MaoliincM ibnroiilily Kcp.'iiroil on lio.i-kii:i.)o lio.i-kii:i.)o Tonus. Uomombi'i' (li,. Miuhiim'IIi :-.iC'i, SINGER SETO'G M1CHIIES Two ilonra aitnth tf thr K.ngle K.ut-mii K.ut-mii In 111. ol II. It. CMVVSl)N, vSul. CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Gomp'y, OF NlAr YORK. .JUSTUS LAWRENCE, Presidc-iil. J. V. KOfjEK."?, Seoretm r At. B. AVYKKOOP, Vke-rresidenl. S. 0. CUASilJLEK, Jr., Aotusry! s srJi ?J H. 10 .3 00 g 5 r& 5 to S r-r s a 3 e o hd O S i -vq -tl n o . . W CO 53 r pu Tlie entirrf Profits of tbe Company are distributed annually anions: the j. unuy iiuiucrs, uikid tne contribution uan. All Policies Aon-forreitable, according to tbe expressed terms eon- tained in each Policy. No Kxtra Premiiiiit for travel or foreign residence. Tliiify days grace alloweil on tbe payment of premiums, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Incontestable for the cu-tomary reasons. Kconomy in Management. Only ono other New York tompany showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its risks, as indicated by the exceedingly small mortality of its members. Policy Holders have a voice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; OFFICE, No. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO ,S'. r. lock wo on, .... maaagj-r A. B. DAVIS. - - - SUPT. OF AGENCIES JOHN B . MAIBEN, General Agent for Utah, OFFIXK AT WOUDJ1A.VSEE BRO'S, SALT LAKEN CITT. MEDICAL EXAMINERS : W. K. ANUKIi?ON, M. 1. T". J-. BENEDICT, M. D Reliable AgrnU SVaittol throvyh'jut (If. Territory. j 18 CRAFTSMAN life mma COMPANY, OK 'EV YOKK. 9fVirty .Malnsl. Cahh Sysltni. V ! All Pollrlea .N ou-Kor ft It a 1.1 1 . Ay R'ttr'v tinux on R! , ,,c ,,r True I ti any irt ,j the Woi'l-l. All the vari"ii ffiin- -f L:i-- tuJ'.nv-inonU tuJ'.nv-inonU t inn and .K-int lV'licK- are i Uvl by this CoinpittiV. IK A M. SWARTZ, finors! A.orit f-r I'tah. HMc. ihr--" ti'Ts iijrth if ilicLsr,-3 atiJ K'-M'Jih. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. Ii K fi .-MH1I. - V;ce-Prei.K-rii. I A L"i. uAV Lu K, - t c r e ; i r y . IloineOffirr. Broadway, tnr, of WU-tomln WU-tomln t. Milwaukee, Ik. Dr. S. f. WALLinV. cr.sral Acett Rtxir M"UTiU.n l)iiri-l C"MIJ', Wjroanni. l''a ani w Mexico. PETER D. FERGUSON, Atcnl f.T Vtih. Oflli e In llooir. Kllreds A. t o.' j. .to?s.v..o;. Arcm for ftlt Lke Cur. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 1UHTFOKD, CUSSF.I T1CI T. Injur inH Accidents cnuf ;n De.-:h or toUlly UifsMing Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AOKNT, 0u- t lUvpor, F.'drcUo & Dunk. i1.--5 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE firi: isruvrK coir.M. Vssrtls - - - 100. 000.00. J, M, MOOHK, Aernl. rtjii r. O. lliitliltnc. Salt I-aUe ril?" PEOPLE'S IXSl'RlATEfO. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. f Fii-t .1 ti. -V.in'iiO 0. r. Mmiiermot. h. g. non'i:i!. l'rtv'nirnl. .rorlsrr A.U.(iVSXISIlS,Sircll ARrnl. x. . r. T II ' 11 M A IV, ;nirrn! AgrlK for I Lit. 0ffic t S. W. llnwl, ,1 . Co1.. Main Stri-e:, B. W. E. JKNAENS. Aral Ariiti 1fTcr at Tratlrl A t n'. Main M y:i Salt l.akr t il . RAILROAD SHOPS. a. hofterTco.. Second South Street, - Half Block tisl'Revere Honit, SALT LAKE CITY. jWACSOIU ; CARRIAGE j ! YTOUK, : ut an inscriptions. HARNESS Matlr jiud Kfpnirrd. BLACKSMITHING Ol all kiudn. CARRIAGE PAINTING TRIMMING. i a. norm. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MiVMU'AC'lTKKKS AM' WIIOI.KS.M.K PK.V1.KKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Aon. I'M :inl V.U iiliM !"TII VX.'l Vv,.,.r IV. .l v. T V()KK. u |