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Show By Telegraph.! CORO.VER'K ISHI E8T O.V TIIK IIA.MBl K: IIOHKOK. Poughkeepsic, s. The Coroner's inquest in-quest in the case of the recent railroad accident, commenced to-day. The witnesses examined were W. J. Thome, a passenger on tho train, Cha.s. (Jus-sum, (Jus-sum, conductor of the express train, and Scott and Grant, sleeping car conductors. con-ductors. Their testimony was voluminous, volum-inous, but no facts were elicited beyond what is already known. Conductor Cassum thought tluit there wero seventeen sev-enteen or eighteen persons in the first sleeping car. Scott testified to a positive posi-tive knowledge of the I'uct that the passengers pas-sengers in all the cars, except the first sleeping car, were saved. I p to this time no more have been recovered, but grappling still continues. All tho bodies bo-dies found thus far have been identified. identi-fied. Two bodies are yet to bo recovered, recov-ered, that of Simmons, engineer, nnd Lawrence Mooney, brakeman, which make twenty-one victims in all. |