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Show It is estimated that 300. 000 persons have settled in Texas during the last year. A cburui-ng girl in Covington, Ky. , last week giggled to the extent of dislocating dis-locating her lower jaw. Some of the fair sex have hearts as brittle as glass. He that would leave impressions must use diamond?. A Chicago bridegroom is reported to have recently given a clergyiuau a bo-jus bo-jus check for $37, and received back $32 in good money. A jury at New York has fixed the price of ''kissing ladies for fun" at i 150. They decide that it is apt to raise hopes of marriage, and make a breach of promise suit good. Oniou lozenges are the latest invention inven-tion in the coufectionary line. They are intended for the use of lovers and ladies who are annoyed by gentlemen addicted to long calls. Scientific men have recently discovered discov-ered that the poison taken into the system from continued smoking of tobacco to-bacco will cause death in one hundred and sixty-seven years. The Marquis of Lome, who is to marry the English Princess Louise, is generously supplied with names, his cognomen being John George Kdwaid Henry Jouglas Sutherland Campbell. A cruel mother, in Indiana, recently I captured and married her daughter's intended, whereat the young lady took umbrage and by way of dive revenge set off half a dozen bunches of fire-craokers fire-craokers under the biidal couch. - Dr. Dio Lewis says there is a gentleman gentle-man now living in New York City, who has had three beautiful front teeth which he purchased from the mouth of au Irishman. His own teeth were removed, and instantly Patrick's were transferred. A gcntleuiau in Guthrie Center, Iowa, had a beautiful English pointer which, having lost her pups, adopted a pet lamb. The lamb acquired its foster fos-ter mother's instincts, and set at game, but it was found necessary to kill it a it took to worrying sheep. For the eonveniance of railroads ad-dieted ad-dieted to accidents, an arithmetical individual in-dividual computes the value of a man's life in dollars. The amount that a laborer la-borer receives for one year's labor at $1 50 per day is S-170 OU, which amount is 6 per cent on 7,9S'J, aud the 1 itrcr is therelbre the ca.-h value of the man to his family. An old lady residing in Chicago was perhaps one of the mn-t bril.iaut (X amples of conjugal tenderness thai lb" last century produced. 11. r hii-band had been long dying, and at lcimii, . the cliTiryimin cf the church making one of his daily vi-ns. Juii,.d hiin d'.a'i The disconsolate v d'C.v in giving an account "f li-.-i spott-c's la-t urnum!-. told him her ''pu.r dear u: 1 in hi k. pt eroaning and gmatiin,', ! u ii i-. iid n .it die: at la-t," said .-he, "I ic.-! iec'cd I bad g"t a piece of ic '.v ';; ,,( binding' in ihe d. :a .-r: s., 1 i,j .-...j,,-of thai and !i' d it ap:md his neck, ai.d then 1 stopped his nose with my thumb and forefinger, and, rdcar! he went oil like a l iml.!"' |