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Show Telegrams. LIGHTNING FLASHES. The reported sailing of the steamer Chiptain to aid the Cubans, is unfounded. unfoun-ded. The dry weather is creating a panic auiong the English farmers. 0 Hagan, Lord Chancelor of England, Eng-land, is created a baron. It is said Disraeli is about to retire. The Gloriana beat the Egeria, Cambria Cam-bria and other yachts on Thursday, from Gravesend to the coast of Holland Hol-land and return. Reported victories over the New Zealand rebels are confirmed. The cholera is making dreadful ravages ra-vages in India, particularly at Madras. The Spanish Cortes has decided that a candidate for King must have a majority ma-jority equal to half the whole number of votes, which is regarded as destroying destroy-ing the chances of all the candidates yet named President Grant has approved the joint resolutions for the appointment of managers for the National Asylum for disabled volunteers, and relative to compensation for assistant census Marshals; Mar-shals; The Senate commence committee has agreed to subsidize the Australian steamship line. The President promised Red Cloud, on Thursday, to use his influence for the prote tion of Indians on 'he reservations reser-vations as well as of the whites. Fort Fetterman won't be removed. Abili to punish unlawful certification certifica-tion of checks by National Bank officers offi-cers has passed the House. The House currency bill has gone over till Tuesday. A new naturalization bill, requiring a three years' residence, with intention declared, to acquire citizenship except in the case of enlisted aliens honorably discharged, was argued on Thursday and tabled. The customs receipts last week were $$3,586,042. Cyrus W. Field made an argument on Thursday, before the house, in favor fa-vor of his Pacific cable project. The Dog Indians, and not the Sioux, attacked the Kansas P. R. R. recently. re-cently. Mellinet declines the grand mastership master-ship of the French masons. Two hundred and filly persons were burned to death or kdled by falling walls at the Constantinople conflagration. conflagra-tion. The scene was terrible. The French empress has sent ten thousand francs to the Constantinople sufferers, and Duke Grammont five thousand. The best time on record made by double teams was made I hursday, at Boston, by Jessie Wales and Harkness: 2.2SJ. The corner stone of the first Jewish synagogue in Texas was laid at Gal veston on Thursday. A young Baptist minister was arrested ar-rested iu Philadelphia on Thursday, for seduction and breach of promise. The Pennsylvania medical society will probably withdraw the objection against women entering the medical college. Cragin has been nominated for reelection re-election by tho New Hampshire republicans. re-publicans. There has been a fight in Cuba, in which two chiefs and fourteen men of the insurgents were killed; and still two others in which they suffered loss. Lafayette C. Foster is chosen judge of the suureme court of Connecticut. P. H. Kaynor tried to shoot his wife in the hack of the head, and then blew his own brains out in Helena, Arkansas, on Thursday. Her chignon saved her. The pneumatic tube being sunk at Leavenworth was thrown out by the current, and sunk the scow and killed three men in tailing. Dr. Judson was arrested at St. Louis for killing Annie C. Jenkins iu producing abortion. Charles Dickens died in London, on Thuisday night, at 20 minutes past 0, ot paralysis. LAST NIGHT'S FLASHES. Commencement week of Piutzer's Female College terminated 'I hursday with conferring Baccalerate degress on the young graduates- A contract was signed yesterday in the Erie office, to complete a new line in ninety days, from New York to the Falls. Vanderbilt and the Erie folk ; keep up their lailroad war, and the public get the benefit in reduced rates. The San Domingo debate is making very bitter feelings among Senators in Washington. On Thursday night the Senate was a scene such as has not been witnessed there for ten years, and the lie was given and taken freely. Crops in New England and New York State have suffered greatly from drouth. The California Pacific RR. deny having sold out to the Central Pacific R.U., and purpose running a branch through Santa Rosa and Russian River Valleys. The corner stone of the Nevada State House, was laid at Carson on Thursday. . |