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Show Quietly Api-reciati e. Chief Justice Mclveau appreciates the Herald Her-ald in his own quiet way, aud satisfied that its prosperity aud popularity were growing unprecedently. determined to help the good work forward, and so contrived that it sljould have all the notoriety that a special charge to the grand jury could give, with tho telegrams tele-grams east and west, which would be the result of it. He knew guv institution institu-tion was young and vigorously flourishing, flour-ishing, and so gave it a lift. It has been successful, Judge. Our increasing increas-ing subscription list tells that. Thanks to your Honor and Judge Hawley we are rising last; but the price contiuue-the contiuue-the same, although we have enlarged: eight dollars a year, "inyariably in advance." |