Show KAYSVILLE KINKS A bi big ward testimonial vill bille ke given the retiring bisba ic to day it is expected that ay at le least ast one thousand and of the thirteen hundred people of thowald the ward will 1 I be in atten attendance dar nce myron W phillips of this place and miss garnet chamberlain of salt lake are to be married next wednesday oscar barton left for cherry creole creek nevada last week for the past week or more the dummy has not run any barth farther or north than this place tile the new route that tho the san pedro ry co contemplates building C since so much of its track was washed out in the meadow valley wash will be along C the lines or near where aher e bishop barton helped to survey about 1888 this would bring the road much nearer to tho lie old pioche mining 0 camp than etwas it was before J R who is stiff suffering erin with blieu pneumonia lionia is improving mrs has also been on the sick list but is better again holbro C furniture i co will apty pty pay your yo Aare to bountiful and return agail ship goods to your stations stat ioni V ua r aid if your p par r chases 10 0 or inor mory MELYIN MELVIN BARTON ader eder and nu porter 9 of if toro thoroughbred byg A hared dogs fine ii line lie si 4 buleff hullt s now in stock phoner 7 5 k utah |