Show I THE OLD WAY Of Treating Dyspepsia and Indigestion I Indiges-tion by Dieting a Barbarous and I Useless One We say the old way but really it is a Yen common one at present time and many dyspeptics and physicians as well consider the first step to take in attempting to cure indigestion is to diet either by selecting certain foods and rejecting others or to greatly diminish di-minish the quantity usually taken in other words the starvation plan is by many supposed to be the first essential The almost certain failure of the starvation cure for dyspepsia has been proven time and again but still the moment dyspepsia makes its appearance appear-ance a course of dieting is at once advised ad-vised All this is radically wrong It is foolish and unscientific to recommend dieting or starvation to a man suffering suffer-ing from dyspepsia because indigestion indiges-tion itself starves every organ and every nene and every fibre in the body What the dyspeptic wants is abund ant nutrition which means plenty of good wholesome wellcooked food and something to assist the weak stomach to digest It This is exactly the purpose pur-pose for which Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets Tab-lets are adapted and this is the method by which they cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia In other words the patient eats plenty of wholesome food and Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets digest it for him In this way the system is nourished nour-ished and the overworked stomach rested because the tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not One of these tablets will digest 3000 grains of meat or eggs Tour druggist will tell you that Stu arts Dyspepsia Tablets is the purest and safest remedy sold for stomach troubles and every trial makes one more friend for this excellent preparation prepara-tion Sold at 50 cents for full sized package at all drug stores A little book on stomach diseases mailed free by addressing Stuart Co Marshall Mich |