Show music lessons given av cora R stayner of salt lake city will bo be in bountiful wednesday thursday friday and saturday of each week to teach the piano organ mandolin and guitar those whisking shing to see miss Aliss stayner cayner Sf can call on her ait either her studio library room opera hou house afa alf 1 or glue is egge se in roasting ON it is all coffee pure coffee strong and of delicious ka 01 some coffees are v ii 11 nishca with a cheap rooting of aggs ciuc i ic or ir other equally i ices j th rw ft ahne J befit dance to be given in the hall friday evening r F feb eb 2 1 st all ali invited more afore anon i south weber webe r feb 12 1902 3 elocution and oratory taught miss liss lillian may stayner of salt lake city graduate of the ashmore school of expression will be in bountiful wednesday friday ind and saturday of each week giving private and class lessons in elocution oratory and delsarte preparing t students for the public platform and stage for terms etc apply at the mus sic studio library room opera house SOMETHING THAT WILL DO YOU I 1 k q GOOD jar G of no ay in chial a we can be of more service thour readers then to tell them of something that will be of real good to thum them n for this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of the very best remedies on the market for cou coughs 0 hs colds and that alarming complaint croup we refer to charn cham ber lains cou cough h remedy we have used it with such good results in our family so lon long that it has become a household necessity by its prompt use wo we any doubt but that it has time and again prevented croup the testimony is given upon our own experience peri ence and we suggest t ff estt that hatour our readers especially small children always keep it in their homes asa safe n croup cambensy Cam beuS benSO messenger am for sale by bountiful coop co op for sale eighteen 0 acres of good farmin farming land in west bountiful will sell allor part cheap enquire of helen perkins west bountiful 7 for sale two city lots on county road in first block south of bountiful bountis ua co op good business corner splendid frontage to east and north also 4 roomed house large barn hay shed out buildings C cistern ord orchard hard etc apply to amos cook bountiful Boun tiCul i harnes games banking company KAYSVILLE UTAH capital SURPLUS AND PROFITS OFFICERS john R barnes prest L S hills vice prest R IV barnos barnes cashier J R gailey abst cashier DIRECTORS peter barton john W gailey T F roueche J G M barnes J H larkins interest paid on time deposits we e always have money to loan DRAFTS SOLD PAYABLE ANYWHERE IN your business solicited notary publican bank SJ ff A legacy of the grip Is often a rundown run down hys lLin weakness nervousness lack of appetite energy and with disordered liver and often follow an attack of this wretched disease the greatest need then is E electric bitters the splendid tonic blood purifier and regulator of stomach liver and kidneys thousands havell have proved roved that they wonderfully ully strengthen n the nerves build up the system and restore to health and good spirits after an attack of grip if suffering 1 I try them only sac perfect satisfaction granteed guaranteed aran teed by bountiful coop co op and sheffield ka K bids wanted 1 for purchase of bountiful opera house built building ting 0 and 10 ground round 2 furniture store and ground 3 3 coal shed scales and ground 4 store business stock of goods good will etc bids on any one of the above or all ton thor tf john F isher fisher assignee |