Show CASUALTES AT HAVANA The Police ien led and Twenty five People Wounded Hva March 20During the trouble trou-ble between the Hdvana police ad the populace last night three policemen were killed and about twentyfive kied ad twentyfve persons per-sons were wounded on both sides Public reserve opinion supports th police without There seems to be concentrated acton ac-ton abong the Nanaigos the secret society of the lavlefs classes here to attack the police upon ever Dossible occasion All the trouble of the lat two nights occurred in the outlying wards which are inhabited by the worst Glases The city of Havana is much excited this morning over the rioting and the bravery and determination shown by the police is much commended with the result that the force is rapidly regaining re-gaining the prestige which it had lost among the better element Three negroes in Galano street attacked at-tacked a policeman with knives The officer defended himself with his revolver re-volver killing one of hIs assailants and wounding another one The third man escaped A Cuban officer attached to the command com-mand of Colonel Acea attacked a po lcemn on San Rafael street with a maqhete The officer shot him through the heart An American negress was killed by a stray bullet The polce In all cases of conflict with he populace hve folowed their orders or-ders and have fulfilled their duties When approaching disturbances of the peace courteously in many cases they yere attacked before they had fnished speaking The agitation promises to continue contnue |