Show hannah marria boynton dead hannah marria mama boynton nil another of bountis ills valiant citizens has passed away and been laid in tile silent tomb one who has passed th through rough nearly all the trying scones scenes through 0 which mormonism Mur monism has passed from its incipiency and endured the hardships and privations incident to settling these valleys in addition to these public trials that so many endured she also experienced adversities that were of a personal character her husband died thirty four years ago and left her with six small children to support the youngest being one and a half years old ind and the older ones too small to do much work so she kept the family by going out cewin sewing by tho the day clay until the children were large enough engligh to assist while crossin crossing tile the plains which journey was made by ox team under captain tidwell she and her sons joseph and john were taken with small pox the former was only two years and a half old and the latter at six months old at the time during durin L tho the time that they were thus afflicted which was about a month they had to travel alone across the plains behind tho the re regular company the family finally final ly arrived in salt lake city on oil the loth of september 1852 which was the same year that they started one winter was spent in the city when they moved to bountiful where they took up land and have ever since resided except the short time that they were south at the time of the move mrs boynton lied died on september 1899 she had been ailing 0 tor for about a year and was bedfast fa st ten days clays deceased was born in bradford mass july 22 1817 joined tile the church of jesus christ of latter day saints with her parents ants in 1831 1834 1 was married to abram boynton july 1 1841 moved to nauvoo in 1813 1843 18 13 being M there when the prophet joseph smith was killed in 1846 moved back to the old home in massachusetts chu where they remained until 1850 when they moved to kanesville Kanes ville where they remained two years and then started for utah she was a quiet industrious peaceable pea cable lady and lived an upright ri lit life the funeral services service s were held at the tabernacle on sunday sept 24 2 p in mrs had the first store ever kept in bountiful deceased was the mother 0 of ten tell children four of whom survived her |