Show mrs john galley gailey dead mrs elizabeth gailey wife of councilman gailey died at her elegant home in kaysville Kays ville satu saturday r evening c and was buried on tuesday the funeral services being held at the meeting house at 1 p in she had been ailius ailing 0 for years being afflicted with a complication of diseases nathan reeves T F roueche KRou eche john R barnes and bishop barton spoke at the funeral deceased was born at lowe england july 1854 and came to utah in 1868 and resided in the tenth ward waid of salt take ake city until may 1886 when she was married to john cailey and moved to kaysville Kays ville during c her residence at the capital she was president of the young 0 ladies association in her ward councilor in the primary and teacher in the sabbath school sho she was also a member of the kaysville Kays ville choir she was the mother of six children three of whom are living the youngest being about seven months old this is the second wife that mr gailey has buried the first being one of af john R barnes dau daughters C alters wh who 0 left two children the f funeral was lar largely an ely attended the city council going C in a body the funeral procession was made up of about thirty vehicles |