Show REBELLION IN FORMOSA two bloody battles in which native j WT were defeated tacoma wash sept 19 wail mall advice from japan state slater that another formidable rebellion iga against irist japanese rule has broken out in formosa this time in the southern part of the island two battles one near naicha the ibe other near Tai Tal hoku the tribes were defeated by the japanese troops troop and the police many were killed and wounded on ench each side but details are not obtainable tb tha rebellion Is the outcome of an attempt by the jap anese administration to extend its jurisdiction ris over the semi savage o tribes living in the interior according to official reports ft a summary of rebellious outbreaks in formosa during the last year shows that persons were concerned in 1700 attacks in different parts of the Islar island ld pie five hundred persons were killed and wounded by these semi savages 1500 captured and over houses burned their booty was valued it at yen on OD the other hand robbers were killed and 1450 token taken prisoners |