Show railroad Rall rond Econom economy yo the baltimore and ohio south western railway has been experimenting with electric motors on turn tables turning locomotives at divisional points and terminals Is a service of much annoyance and no little expense to railroad companies it generally takes four men to turn a locomotive and while they are doing so their tg eeg ular work Is abandoned experiments were made with an electric motor on the 60 toot foot turntable at Chilli chillicothe with sul sue success that the park street turntable turn table in cincinnati was similarly equipped the tha result has been r rather at her astonishing in III the matter of expense the current was wag purchased irom from the power plant and it cost on an average of 0 less than one halt half a cent for or each time the table was turned when this same table was operated by hand it cost 12 cents tor for each engine the yearly saving li Is bout about |