Show ea la 0 4 GANNET I 1 r attorney general postmaster general JOSEPH JAMES A GARY of california of maryland av ak secretary of the treasury secretary of state LYMAN J GAGE JOHN SHERMAN PRESIDENT mckinley of illinois of ohl do 1 7 10 N ILI secretary of the interior Secre wry of war secretary of the navy secretary of Agriculture 6 cornous N BLISS A ALG JOHN D LONG JAMES WILSON of new york of of massachusetts of iowa j 0 THE INAUGURAL CEREMONY washington march 4 today for or the fourth time a native born citizen of 0 ohio in ue tie ti U e pretense presence of untold thou send sand of hit his countrymen took the oath which bound him for four years year to guard the welfare of the american people it was an impressive yet beautifully simple ceremony that marked the ascension ascenion of william mckinley to the presidency the popular demonstration was unique the decorations were superior to anything evey ever seen in washington the day was beautiful except on Clev elands first inauguration in 1885 no such ideal day dai for this ceremony men has been met with the magnificent body of regular united State was more numer oue than any gathered since granve grants great display at the close of the war seventeen states dates had citizens in the line of I 1 the parade and over sixty civil organizations helped to swell its magnificent proportions along the broad avenue on every space were erected grand stands that were not only comfortably covered and of pretty architectural design but were appropriately decorated citizens spent money liberally to beautify their romes and with the aid of thousands of flags of every kind loaned by the national gov ern eminent ment pennsylvania the great artery avenue of the city was turned into a rainbow of bright colors the line of march of the parade was longer than Is usual fully four miles made so to ease the pressure of spectators in the central part of the city and to insure the maintenance of the line unbroken the great trough of buildings from the he capitol to the treasury if a wealth of 0 bunting there are flags of all nations waving from the windows or floating from every available flagpole probably every flag in the international code Is represented from the start and stripes stripe and the blue cross of st george to the white elephant of slam and the black and yellow dragon flag of china except in the center of the street where rethe the police have cleared a way there li Is a solid mass of hu humanity inanity constantly shifting shit ting a veritable human carpet for the great avenue through which the flood of the inaugural procession rolled from the white house home to the capitol building the presidential party were tendered a prolonged grand ovation president cleveland looked pleated and smiled but did not return the salute ol of the crowds major fc Kinley raised his hi I 1 hatin hat in acknowledgment of the joyous J I 1 denion demonstrations et rations on every hand han d I 1 ile ae was noticeably pile pale and a sad almot almost stern look hit his firm i iet mouth suggested the grave responsibility he was about to assume at 1020 mckiniry mckenley accompanied by the senate committee drove to the willie white ya where they were greeted b by president cleveland Clevelan dand and the members of I 1 the cabinet ile he soon reappeared and entered lilt ills carriage accompanied by dint nt cleveland and senators sherman and I 1 mitchell milchel the lon then their moved to the capitol where the oath of office vas administered to vice pred dent hobart by his predecessor who adjourned the last bession of the fifty fourth senate vice president hobart then advanced and delivered his introductory address iddrise id drese president calling an extra session of the th senate having been read vice president hobart requested tile the new senators tepa tors to advance and take the oth oath of office at the officers officer suggest suggestion font mr merrill the patriarch of the senate was complimented with being the first sworn in no exact order was observed the oath lath being given to four senators at the same tine ti tt ne with the fifteen men twelve were of 0 the old senators tors sworn in for new terms while the oaths were being admonis cleveland and mcki iley bat talking in low tones toner it wai wa clearly a most agree able exchange for bov the old did and new presidents smiled milled tow and then ar the they nodded aquiles ence to each it was noted that secretary of state olney and secretary lamont were not amon among the cabinet officers present it was 15 in the last oath had been and the formal exit legan the supreme court justices going first mr cleveland president mckinley and officials follow following lg to the senate viril wing of the capitol where when the oath of office wa to be administered As McK mcaliley liley walked to loan n the all pl 1 form orm the shouts hout wire lie he was compelled to st tip p in ar I 1 hi it h i acknowledgment know mckinley arose ond and i i r I 1 11 justice fuller in a floal r fi almin zin the oath the n i 1 i kissed the gilt edged bible presented by the blahon of tho thi african methode t church to seal hit oi h 1 I 1 ile he people continued to aar holding th ini rip ip it il ha W dr iari in one hano hana ri I 1 i 1 1 i n wand lifting ui n h 0 i 1 i 1 ill 1111 tion lion tor for order bt bi ti a 4 11 i i i 11 dress cleveland with nit nil lit 0 ni to in his hands listened atten attentively to every word mckinleyl McKinl eyt clear and ringing tones tone s carried well among the confusion and shrieks shriek which prevailed prevail ed about the stand eland but could hardly be heard fitly fifty feet away As tile the shifting hitting multitude ceased to surge towards the close of his address his words carried far into the crowd and were answered with cheer upon cheer especially Mcc lally his impressive promise to do all in his power to restore prosperity the negroes roared their approval w when hen he declared with uplifted arm that I 1 lunching lynching lyn anc hing ching must cease As he concluded the multitude again cheered and cannon in the distance roared as the signal officer on the rao roo of 0 the capitol flashed the signal across the city mckinley mckenley smiled at ills his wife while captain hesland flesland rushed forward and threw a great clat crat about him ills wife lifted her handkerchief and smiled with joy as she caught his warm glance oi of love ex speaker grow ot of pennsyl v ania was the first to congratulate him others other swarmed up to shake his hand but as quickly as possible he and the remainder of the presidential party was hurried back to the capitol thus ended an evoch epoch in american 1 history I I 1 I 1 tory 1 the erection of a milestone as s it N were ere in the life of the republic |