Show CAUSE OF DEAFNESS The Most Common Cause Only He Re Recently Discovered It has h been stated on good medical authority that of cases of deafness are caused from catarrh or from sore throat trouble i The little tub tube which leads to the ear eaT from front the throat is lined with a sort of velvety structure called mucous mem membrane membrane I brane This membrane is simply a continuation of the mucous membrane m lining the throat When disease of any sort attacks attack J the mucous membrane of I the throat it is very liable ble to extend into the Eustachian tube and up into the ear earTho earTho earThe Tho The history of nearly all cases of deafness is like this A cold is con contracted contracted contracted and neglected d other olds dolds are taken the throat becomes sore and in inflamed Inflamed inflamed flamed which Is 18 aggravated ag by parti particles particles cles elm of dust and germs enns from the air afro This condition causes ca sos the disease to spread Into the tube that leads toads to the ear earIt It seems a little far fetched to say that most cases of ot deafness are caused from catarrh but It is certainly true and any anyone one who has had bad a severe ca en catarrhal catarrhal cold must have noticed how the hearing was effected while the cold lasted With catarrh sufferers this impair impairment Impairment ment of or hearing becomes chronic and grows worse the longer er the catarrh Is 1 neglected You can cure catarrh and 00 deafness by py the regular use of an excellent new preparation called Stuarts Catarrh Tablets composed of or antiseptic reme remedies remedies remedies dies which act both beth b th on the mucous membranes but principally and most effectually on the blood bleed eliminating the catarrhal poison from the system People whose hearing is 18 defective may think it a little remarkable that a simple and harmless tablet ta let would very often otten remove all alt traces of deafness but when It IB Is remembered that ca R catarrh causes the deafness and that the catarrh Is easily cured by the regular use of Stuarts Catarrh Tablets there is no mystery about It If you are subject to nasal catarrh or catarrh of throat bronchial tubes or or catarrh of stomach and liver the safest and most effective treatment nt is the new catarrh specific Stuarts Ca Catarrh Catarrh Catarrh Tablets sold by ajl 41 druggists at 50 cents for full sized package 0 |