Show RAILROADS IN TJ TE le TROPICS it la Is hard to keep the growing rollano Iol lago from ro Cocom comin ln an obstruction apropos of the projected ran pan amer loan ican railway raila ay it is to be noted that not 0 only is the first cost of railway construction E st truc tion in tropical countries very heavy I 1 cavy but the annual maintenance of way is expensive to a degree which cannot be appreciated by those who have no experience in this connection the antioquia railroad in colombia ra says ys charles P yeatman in the engineering 1 magazine cost in a single year for repairs of track and bridges per mile the cauca railroad in the same year cost per mile these two roads are in colombia and are sometimes mentioned either as future feeders of the pan american railroad or parts of its main line on tc ic antioquia road if the undergrowth were cut at the beginning of the rainy wason season less than two months month rain was sufficient to f form orm an arch of green trees thirty feet high loaning leaning over the track so BO a as to shade it completely the constant change 0 from dryness s in the lay day to soaking m moisture at night ven even in tho the dry season would soon ruin the best of timber but nature f furnishes ur a still quicker means of getting gettin a of it in the shape of an ant or wood v louse which is careful not tomar to mar the outside of his domicile but will honeycomb the inside u until n til IN nhat i it a looks like a solid stick k is but a from to j i inch th thick i ck with dust and ants ante the native na t ire bimber suffered buffered so much from tile the in romac of these pests that upon hearing in that yellow pine was used in pann to avoid them it trial of it was L e on the antioquia road georgia ir ire c had to be shipped by way of sew new ork at a cost of nearly per 1000 et ct board ric measure asure when put in place s tacal len I 1 left there the firt of in my y yel w pine trestle was being replaced it aj ad been built less than four our years |