Show cwb g ul aime vime ff g 0 FEINTED AND PUBLISHED E ur I 1 1711 TIIE E CLIPPE klippelt CLIP PElt it PUBLISH publishing INT X CO A 4 Tl clety ety aae published at bountiful utah ulah in the intebi casts oj of the Cozin county ty EDITOR T CALL MAN MANAGER AGErt per year 65 cents C G months entered at tho the post OT office lee at bountiful utah as second class mail matter bountiful notion house people who have pasted L calls windows and seen a lot of pans brushes brooms dishes etc have no doubt w wondered 0 it he was going to start a g general a store again this we have made a partnership business for the purpose of carrying a line of notions at variances vari ancer to the other stores SIMS while we nye no doubt carry some things carried by other stores we will aim to divert from the old track wo do not intend carrying wearing apparel or anything that we cannot carry advantageously to 0 o our cur cue mean by this that it will be an article not to be found elsewhere or the price will be as good as could be had in bountiful city or salt laki city either our object shall poAt positively ively te to keep the trade at home and under no circumstances circumstance stances S shall we knowingly lay jay in fin an article that cannot be sold as cheap or cheaper than it ca can 6 in in salt lake city 1 we slave nave juit printed about blank notes on first drat class white bond paper and tabbed dabbed them in tabs of DO CO cents lu in tabs of 10 25 coots LUOK H E ej 6 H d E everybody the desert live stock co W will sell for the next few days fo for r CASH in i n pound lots or more y best family flour at to pet per 3 straight lit orade grade at 44 al bran brall ind and shorts mixed 70 46 y ir DI aa te lw wr I 1 being overstock overstocked over stocked e 1 i in 1 t the li e B boot 0 0 t and a n d S shoe h 0 e line 1 ii i e we 1 1 e avill zt il 1 offer q y e r for a fe dudl fi fine i a e assortment 0 s s 0 arti n e it t of 0 f il boots oo 00 i s mil i n 1 S shoes h 0 es belov b e lo 10 io ose cost c vf v f do not no t fail to come and see them we will be sure to tn you yon BARGAINS that will please you mis conolty baal farmington T U T I 1 B D DI 7 0 RS general Bank banking ilig busi inie cr E C T 7 clark prall t I 1 L b S lims hills V fresl aper 5 per cent interest paid on savings deposits depo tiu pounded quarterly john H wadman thomas thomal steed collections collections MADE DRAFTS DRAWN ON 04 III 00 J SI PRINCIPAL POINTS i jn wilcox deposits can be made in salt sall lake city at tile hie pe s walter W 11 steed lVa national lional bank for credit with this oanh bart 0 1 L dark clark cashier YOUR BUSINESS SOLICIT 0 bountiful lumber building Asso association associate ciati 1 WE ARE IN THE FIELD TO if hyou you we in need of 4 lit ber of any kind Moul dings shingles laths baths floo sash orDo or doors ois locks butts screws or nails COME AND W WHAT HAT WE HAVE and get our prices you yon will not be asked askea buy unless our prices suit you we now have a supera EE EE I 1 i combination FENCE at the regular prices those who art ares i tending to bu build ild next season will find it to their advant advantage ag i order their frames of ofus us this winter as we can build taw tant much in the dull sealos than when we are n ath our work L S HEYWOOD manager yard two blocks south of coop co op store bountiful n 13 I 1 1 ak I 1 N U T I 1 U 11 1 8 H U U sli successors to LALONI OA CALL DEALERS IN ne 1 IT 0 L na et S LI EF LE IT behave Y already on sale a nice assortment of hoaas TO aas toas aw vau gat aa iau LUNCH TO MARKET B BASKETS sizes from froin IS 15 to 50 acts A splendid broom 25 acts the best variety of shoe scrub and cloth brushes in bountiful city SOMETHING NEW paper pie plates no more beet about a pie plate that you took to a surprise when you can get A GOOD PAPER PLATE CLEAN AND WHITE SIX FOR 5 CENTS playing kh cards writing wing paper pap tissue jiuu fiji 1 itel ai rad ii a a como and ana got get a good 1 5 nay arky feather luster 40 cents i Guaran guaranteed teca 75 cents and by way of information to P party arty who will send the 1 greatest tyrea 13 test linings of words that commence with 11 19 that de not lot have baye IT U to between now noir a qed the I 1 first of I 1 february we wu will give 8 66 CHILDS HISTORY or OF ENGLAND ta I 1 mw |