Show correspondents should get their opy by monday noon pieced day several persons have spoken to us about the flowing wells ill that at tire are allowed to drain the ground during tile the winter teason season when they are arc not needed they claim that the water in ili the dug duer wells are lowering fast f ast and in many instances wells have already gone dry and that soon all of the wells well will swill be dry it if the flowing wells aro are not capped those ornit 9 these flowing wells should at once cap them or stop them off especially those which eject large cs of water which is only used for irrigating purposes smaller flows ased for house use only would ifould not make so lucli difference this would only be a small expense to the owners and very ve great grea t accommodation to the people lisi virg dug dog wells more attention cution should be given this question because from every appearance we will have a dry season next year if noth nothing ilig better could be done a meeting should be called of both classes interested and agreeable arrangements range ments made to gard against this evil we learn from one of our correspondents pon dents that it is rumored that another newspaper will ienar if nar ar future if thi I 1 such is tile the case we wish wih tile the proprietors success and are willing to do 10 anything we can call to help the enterprise if a man mail wishes to be 9 true benefactor we think there is no bet ter opportunity outside of the school room than for him to bubli publish s a paper for a town or a i county an emerae amount of good can call be done one in ill tins this way could he people of our county fully appreciate tile alie benefits and conveniences veme aces oi of a paper 0 of una this binl at least each of 0 the three largest hargest towns or lather cities of if our county would try to lu support ii a paper rhe writer lias has visited towns in central Eur europe olit which had but a small population yet they were biere not with out their home er those people would as boon be without a chulch blore or thearic as to be deprived of a lome paper people were educated to its benefits it a wall man wanted help lie he advert advertised ked in ill the paper of tile lowll which cost only a trifle it if a man anted work ile he kept an eye ou on the paper when for sale ani animals nials of all kinds the wise down to the rabbit were acre advertised Per bOlls Iv ibling to find buyer bayura knew what L to do antl buyers knew to 10 lind find what n e 1 they wanted soule some people may I 1 think there is not enough work aud and t means to support two newspapers in our county but the writer thinks it will be like it was with the settlement of our town the file first two or three families here thought it would be as much as a bargain 0 that they could live and if any more were ivere tj come they would all starve starve but people Lave bave continued to come and all have continued to pros prosper ier so soil it will I 1 undo undoubtedly be if more papers make their appearance in the county the new town board met monday afternoon and decided upon their mode of dure in appointing the officers of the board for the ensuing year they determined upon the folling foiling salaries to be paid to the officers marshal for all services including that of street supervisor and per year clerk per year 75 treasurer per year 35 attorney per year tile the marshal we understand is to be appointed next nest friday iveing beveill so now is tile the timo time for all those thor e who are hankering after that dc delicious licious plum I 1 to apply in donled words to the boa board rd for the appointment but as we understand there are a number of applicants the most of them will come to conclusion that it is a nasty nasiy sour plum anyhow WAVE thieves after the mail last saturdays herald has the following about desperate crooks Cr eoles who attempted to rob the malls malla the success of the hold up who assaulted trail mail carrier the valley nr ilcy house corner a fey few nights ago inspired another daring attempt last lasi night mr air slade was making his last round to the mail boxes and on going up ill state street ile he saw two well men standing in ill front of we tue box a half block south of the theatre they walked off hurriedly as he appi cached and on arriving vt ut the place the carrier found the box open and empty lie ile took in situation at a glance and called upon the men inen to stop at the same time drawing draw ilig his pistol and running towards them the fellows also commenced running inning rt and mr slade faired at them twice but un neither shot took effect the noise of the shoo shooting attracted the attention of officers and wilson who started after the daring thieves the crooks quickly disappeared down one of the alleys leading from state street to commercial and were lost but a number of letters which they had drop in their flight were found scattered along 0 the alley aey it is stated that tile the stolen mail contained cheeks checks and drafts amo amaat it aag I 1 n ga to t 0 several se v c r a thousand tilou dollars cao ars an a examination showed choin 0 l 1 beech r with alam aier r all crooks know that the law a w fixes a very severe penalty for crimes of this character and experience has taught then them that the go government leaves no stone unturned to bricf bring 0 to 0 o justice men who tamper with the mails tins this simply goes to show that these crooks belong to the most dang dangerous erotic dais aorl i unil mail inspector law relice is it in fie city cily and nil its in dollars toll ars to ou that lie he will have the fellows before many days herald ats aa announced the like board of 0 directors of the east bountiful ece eccles les las lical ward presented ii resented their financial report to lu a small audience at al ilu ho tabernacle last monday at 10 a i in the alie report showed that some muncy money lad had been lio and with will llie lie voluntary dona donations Gons of cash produce anil and building materials amounted to the lebourt also showed that had been expended for wainscoting papering ind the ihu tabernacle 83 dollar in ill cash hud been paid for janitor services and in store 1 pay and product produce IN ft its as paid fur for labor fur for radiators radi radiators radia tois atols 1360 for brick for the above purpose in cast cash also for DIL maison work and sun summary idary expenses on i making a total it il was as stated slated that they ahad purchased one no superior hot air n r heater with villi all ts la necessary fixtures for dollars t abc 11 0 of wl ch is 3 ft I 1 to bo be paid abe ident of the hoard board said aid 8 that they had bad levied or apportioned a tax lax of a dollars on oil the members of tins this ward and had received a little over on oil thair of the apportionment lu regard s to 0 o tile the hut but uis 1111 raJi radiator ator ile said thy acre is ere i i pa iiii v ome down and tile the ret when they iciey were cli ivine ed that it was a success and on acco i of a def defective flue were co compelled apell a smoke stack slack thus increasing to put up the expense the lie president stated that john wait lad had done considerable more work than him apportionment required him to do for which lie ho asked no pay |