Show the aste mist ress of tho white the death of the presidents eriCs vile w ife has hag called forth from all parts parta of the country expressions of sympathy sincere and touching the charac character tar of mrs hamson indeed was such as to command respect outside of any consideration of the position which she eho held as mistress of the white house honee the phrase which cameto came to the lips and the pens of thousands allover all over the land when her death was announced was that she ghe represented the best type of american womanhood this has been said and britton BO ao many times that its repetition may seem trite but as applied to mrs harrison it expresses better than any other form of words the character in which she was known to the american people she was a true helpmate to her husband intellectually for she was a cultivated woman morally and in ia the material affairs of life she did her part nobly in his early struggles to establish himself in his profession and she graced with dignity the highest place in the land boston commonwealth |