Show D 0 willa willey v jr has made a a grand rand success of tile the high 0 school of bountiful ilki his whole attention is there we have eskert liim him for essays hut but tile the first response redpoll was list last friday ile he explained that lie he had the language r class write descriptions of people making their own selections and lest they might give offense tf they aliey etl after the balance of the school was then they enjoyed enjoy cil tile sport some ila had a description of thoe tho e standing high in public atee cst cero tit and others the reverse tile the followill following ff is is a sam sample ale WIIO WHO CAN GUESS the iran that I 1 am going to describe is well known to you ile he is of the medium bight about five feet six inches and is heavy set his features are not bad ile he lias has in an aquiline nose medium high n forehead hi high h check bones bobies and around plump chin and a small mouth his complexion is dark his hair is a mixture of gray and black his eyes are brown laughing 0 ones ris his oars ears are small but quick to hear ile he is highly educated ile he spent a great many years at school and graduated in the highest school in the district ile he is well known in the comity andis and is highly respected F I 1 7 t abari ba acter is good and lie is a business man lie ile has a pleasant dinue for nr every one and is honest bonest benevolent industrious and respected by all who know him ilis his weight is lbs ibs age 50 years you WILL by the above that a pupil is taught besides language to be very observe ing ng good judges judges 0 of hight bight size com pl exion disposition and general genera deportment we asked him if lie bad one of himself liim self lie ile said lie he had but lie he would not let us see sec it by offering 50 cards with name nicely printed on to paste in their books instead of writing 0 on oil the fly leaf for the most laughable description of their teacher wu are arc in in possession po session of the following from his larger pupils of the weaker sex F from rom miss lie ile has a long face and a dark complexion A smile that would win any ones love and a pretty blue eye that would pierce through any young ladys heart illias been going out ont with a beautiful young lady but as the first of april is april fool she liim him aud give lim him the slip lie ile lias has good kind ways except I 1 some som etim times espis hiis patience is beyond control and then the little shavers may look lookout out lie ile has more good sense than to attack the larger ones for I 1 guess lie thinks perhaps lie might get the worst of it lie ile las has spent several years in the salt lake colle college collee Z e and is now well qualified to teach his weight is about pound sand lie he is is about six feet in light hight now young girls if you want a young man luan get one like the above described I 1 from miss there are a great miny many traits that I L admi much in a man mail all and there are arc anany more rot not so much im somewhat f familiar with a nice young man mail that is very enuch admired b by y a great ma many ny especially especial 13 by his bis own sex lie ile is of a me medium dittin bight ab f five ive feet ten tell or eleven rather a slender build dark blue eyes black hair and eye brows lie ile has a high laigh forche forehead 11 a 1 round plump chill and in an aquiline cline eline nose lie ile lias has a black mustache which lie thinks a great deal of judging 0 za from the care he be takes of it for it is always carefully rushed brushed and trini trimmed nied ile he took a course in dri drilling aig 0 and marching i hen lie he attended tile the university in salt lake city lie ile walks very erect and somewhat stately ile he lias has a good edli education cation and is very polite c in ill tile compier rf of youny ladies 11 airis is 1 I a young thal ia br gween 22 and 23 till is ell lili i to lo do a great amount of bf good ill ili clr community y I 1 think if the young bild would ni ld take the trouble lu to read this title it will benefit them frocil ii all miss 1 I 11 linc 1 c sei seen in tile llie CIA i a arf na kleal deal about old andal ili old I 1 know of a teacher win will advises the young inon inen not to lo taki tak the same saine lady out twice und and ai have read in tile t lie ci cain LK eliat I 1 are now forty old bachelors in east easl bountiful 1 I think it if teachers advice be taken a fea more years there will be about 41 li more I 1 think that beina being n the casi case the young ladies wont fall in lov the first time a gentleman takes lakes thern them out for slie site will know w what flat to lo expect but for all that he is 13 a very goo teacher and is very sweet on oil th girls himself lie ile is quite talland not very smal and one look from his innocent eye eyed aou would id charm the heart beart of any p lady we have one more effay jn J tills this subject but cannot print it chist toe we hope that the teacher w 1 l 4 1 not 1 rab 1 ulie nay ibay af 0 f 7 s 4 pen tance till he looses grace 1 |