Show KAYSVILLE ITEMS quarterly conference Confer enoe VS barnes starts on n a mission party at fields store quarterly conference convened in the tabernacle at 10 yeater day morning the muddy roads road and snow storm of today prevented a great many people from attending that otherwise would haye been present a however most of 0 the surrounding wards were represented the chief speakers yesterday were prest smith and counselor hess also R duerden of bountiful and N T porter of centerville Cent erville 0 this morning apostle A H cannon addressed the people and in the afternoon an able discourse was wa given by prest jos joa F smith W S barnes son of J R barnes left his home friday morning tor for a mission to great britain wo we wish the young man god speed A goodly number ot of young people met at H 11 J fields new store on the evening of the ath in response to an invitation from that gentleman to participate in a complimentary party it is to be hoped there will be a good turn out to the meeting of the ladies columbian club next well wed evening there will be an interesting pro gramme presented mrs afro agnes olsen oisen thomas of salt lake has consented to assist and will render reader some vocal selections Dova leFountain passed through kaysville Kays Kay ville eville at noon nov the gentleman is beating the record in walking across the continent fruia faolu new york to san franciseo francisco he left new york sept and expects to eat his I 1 christmas dinner in san francisco he has passed through gl ten states and his average walk lias has been 43 miles a day DENNIS 4 |