Show very with a verb pleased in the expression very pleased is nothing more than the past participle passive of please used as aa an adjective very so fir far as I 1 am aware is never used with any other part of a verb and then only when that part has become adjective ly by usage the following quotation from popes shows its use as an adjective thou victor or of tho the high wrought day and the please dame toft boft smiling ng learst away A similar use of the word is when we say a persons face has a pleased expression this being the case it is as correct to say very pleased as aa to say very much pleased Ann andales I 1 imperial dictionary subject very has among old writers very was frequently used alone to modify a past past participle and it is ia still to some gome extent so used thus sir W jones has very concerned gibbon very unqualified sydney smith very altered etc As there is no verb unqualified c caa 52 be nothing rio thing else but an adjective jec tive and concerned and altered come under the same part of speech when we say 1 I am very pleased there is ia no action implied but there is simply a description of the state stafe or condition in which one is at the time of speaking F 0 birkbeck Dirk beck terry in notes and queries |