Show T LAVES THE WORLD bishop wn czi brown B rown of south bountiful passes away in i his seventy seventh year after having been ill for upwards upward of two years and sick in bed much of the time bishop brown passed parsed alayat away at liis his residence in southbound bountiful at loo elock clock friday morning 0 oct wm win brown was the son of wm win und and jane brown and was born at Seif cua ontario co sta state te of now new york jan 3rd ard 1816 in 1836 the family moved into anlo niagara co new york on may the 1838 he be married phoebe odell in ili F feb ch 1843 the bishop and ilk hi wife were baptised baptized sed into the church and on oil the of oct lie and ill his wre wife arrived at t nauvoo lie was ordained a seventy on oil tit the iolli of jan 1845 and was one of tile the counselors for 33 years made alade a start for this valley valey on oil the letb of feb 1846 cros crossing sing th thi mississippi on oil a chunk of ice volunteered to 10 go with willi chemor the mormon morman batalion but was excused on oil account of his family spent winters of 46 7 at r quarters ile he arrived in salt lalu labe valley on oil lite of sept 1847 nov 1850 he and P 11 pratt ex adored southern utah returning tit in 1851 nov of tile the same year ir i c married Eliz elizabeth abAh andrews on oil J jan 1854 lie he married rebecca IV chafin in the fall of ag he started at 01 a n mission to england edgland and june 58 ellen burnett beca became lie his wife on oil the of july 1867 he went to new york state on oil it i mission in the fall of 74 cretu returning in the spring of 75 on the of june 1877 he NN wa wai ta i ordained a high priest and of south bo un ticul in the fall of 72 he was elected a 1 I selectmen selectman for davis co in winch h capacity lie he labored for nine aars the bishops first wife died in it march ast 1st 1852 and rebecco div 1 chafin passed away on the c of I 1 may 1891 kinteen children two will 1 large number of gralia nd ml theme the members ibbers of the so south u th ward are left to mourn liis his loss the remains of bishop wi it j i brown were taken to the sit h ti 01 bountiful meeting It hous bitus sl 61 illy 1 before 2 1 p ill ID sunday wh nh 1 large nui number liber of relatives rl oil friends had gathered to show f ir last reelects respect sto to tile the deceased atilt anil witness tile last ceremonies oil oi i aili every seat scat und and silly ill way were I 1 1 I li 1 d I as stated the corpes arrived before meeting was called to c tier iler and was carried into the mi alit nip mg 1 house by six odthe son soil of ti II I 1 ceased tle the aland vlas co covered vereil beautiful white or nr crean 0 c cloter vine vinc ui tit 1 I 1 f C alu P vas nasr filled filial nith flow cis r 1 1 1 i diat liast that gai aleica i ali il I 1 the fields and garo gardens letts alc ic l oi 01 I 1 land cairl anil and it breso vre so n grouped 1 i i ti ranged that illey Aed it 11 i 11 appear ape arance atice k k avas basalo ako lovered with flower jag tile ilia cirit speake ivino v 1 io said lat lie had brou n q nith ith tile d ri 11 it 11 long lime and bore t if luinis 1 n I liia ilig s mito lie cull cud hymn said lie had iet bee jindu intimately acau itil in ile ilece wel ier ince mitt bull tiui ciui it tit bre ft divided h ii if to wa vea dm a d disk haa lie li 1111 n 11 irn to iia aliud abiud kill 1111 ille lilic lislie lis lir 1 fur rin iiii I 1 smith ahta chii lit in iral Ir vl t leid ruC ruall ll it arc ansi aco r Q calan C iii up 11 1 in till fit I 1 ll 11 koltl aill ul on olk aceilo at url t 11 lic MS IAM 11 1 alitt 11 to 10 ile 11 I 1 ia ind 01 I 1 i lull lial ai hal 1111 sent bro lis Is E F calil pe 11 i p tt I 1 olite ir tile tri friends ends rea r bulls to lir I 1 nag 8 to lo talk aso aa said aadil that lt it 0 I 1 if r tiley baull him to D albil 11 ild talu n ur dr 1 I tili ango arof itro e anti and commenced or of lid ense ease liis leecel li ecel oil our coil sn IlIZAL Med unto I 1 liot kois 9 of dif codling lh lod mg ling ani ly per abild ali L ill I 1 it eum id pared eirv ui or rv in pini ta 14 V lit ites cs aittia adi turin i trIll abill ilu hu aguil lit ii tale li liou te 1 r III deed ed no coat coal or Jt vl 1 6 ga at Bt Otlie it we Y rt r t need some something till rig to p protect us from the unfeeling to elements T thise tho he thought u was 0 our ur condition came to earth that when we wear the suit given we needed to father for a time slid and us by our when season was over and the the suit longer needed it should wag no thrown not be away but carefully away stored lie he know knew no reason wily why we should mourn ile he thought if we never to meet again there would were re be reasons to mourn lad and he be would say bournas it would IA bt a sad indeed things that had been thing ed cd by the modern prophets concern cancer reveal ing the hereafter were beyond the speculations of the sophist the dr concluded by alluding to the flowers that stood before him they suggested a contin conlin nation of happiness and also spoke of the hymns that bad been sime sung taking comfort and hope from th their cir inspired lines seymour B young then occupied tile stand and said that lie he met the deceased thirty five years a ago 9 a tills aliis month in england that th at the bishop had bad just received his release and was on his way home lie baid that a man passing from this sp sphere hereof of action was wag like a man on 1 a I mission and after lie haafeen had been out tile required time a dispatch would be sent come home it is enough 0 cc o it was with death the person lit ha iving ving filled his mission here would be sent for dr young took up tip the subject of tile resurrection said our bodies would he be laid down in the lite grave and every part of them that were mortal would bo be taken away or and that every component part of tile the body won would be restored i in U the resurrection except the blood ile he related some of tile tho views of the ancients concerning conc eining the art arteries Pries containing ra a vital wind or fluid which was thought allt to be life bro browns counselors joseph hogain and edward pace each hore bore record of the bishops faithfulness unto the end presidency of the stake said that not only his famely famil yand and the members of the ward would miss the bishop but they also would miss liim him as he had lial assisted them in the great work after the remains had bad been viewed by those wishing 0 to see then them 1 they were placed in a plain carri carriage atre and taken to their final resting place the bishop having 7 expressed ais dislike for show or ostentation was the cause of tile the selection made in the kind indof of vehicle to take lake him to the burying ground tile the funeral procession was made up of fifty two iwo vehicles |