Show correspondents should get their copy in by monday noon pieced ng publication day in the course of our remarks on nual cipal government a short time igo we said something about heber ity having LaVing to a town incorporation and abow talking of changing banging it into a city form of government it seems some not see sec any merits in the town incorporation if the people wanted a 3 change it wo we mentioned it to t liow how ali thai a N a town incorporation was ar ahead of no incorporation at all ill id that it was not near so expensive a city form of government we ought it better to have that kind a government than none at all ut if we can afford a regular city ivern ment lets have it at first the il ol lowing from the wasatch wave lows how pleased and what benefits ney irom from their town ancor to horation ration lor alion ff how about a city government for leber shall wo we try to get one this this ill or not we lave have tried the town orp corporation oration for three years and know or a certainty that wo we have been really benefited by it our oar streets lave avo been greatly improved the has been furnished famished with a bendid system of water works tier order has maintained and the zons zens have been benefited in nu rous other W ays the corpora in has not I 1 cost the people one cent yet during that time now are not able 1 to discard tile the bali baby y 1 thes of municipal government and oine a full fledged city and enjoy the rights and privileges of the ine mea thinkie Thin kit over citizens and ii talk with ya your 0 ur neighbors about ing a city government |