Show the sand blast every r reader eader lias has heard of tho the sand blast and the delicate tracery of which it is capable when properly applied to vessels and other utensils made of glass by its use tracing t and etching on glass is a matter of easy performance the mode of operation is as follows the vessel or plate of glass is covered with wax and through this designs aro are cut down to the surface which is left exposed to a stream of fino fine sand rind thrown from the blast the fric tion soon wears away the hard glass surface but does not affect thevan the wax protection in the least when the lace work flowers leaves or whatever the design may be has been finished the wax is removed from the polished parts and the article is ready for use formerly the fumes of hydrofluoric acid were used tor for tracing tra cince doa signs on glass and other hard substances but owing to the unevenness of the result and the uncertainty as to when the exposure had reached the proper point that method has been all but superseded by the san sand blast st louis republic |