Show IN PAIN NAYLOR t tD V V D SPLAYS DISPLAYS GREAT With his hl i In two places and the left eft side of hl his face most painfully cut Nelson Naylor an Studebaker Bros company lI lies s V at V the I Holy Cross hOS hospital re he m have to remain for a perIod be before before I fore he hi his former farmer th and vigor The young oung mans Injuries were re at about 8 yesterday morn ing while assisting to unload a dray that I I we wes freighted with vehicles I The were tugging awa away at a crated wagon on top of the load and in his zeal to release the crate which had become stuck young Naylor used a crow crowbar crowbar bar to dislodge it Unexpectedly the crate rate the dray with ye ve velocity V and in its descent one of tho hubs struck Naylor on the left cheek bones V them as if struck by a sledge sledgehammer hammer By almost superhuman effort Naylor bushed the load off and released from his perilous poSition To the aston astonishment astonishment of the men around hm and with the grit characteristic of the young man mau mauhe ho he walked nearly twenty rods from om th scene seen of the accident before sittIng down downto to await the coming of the hospital ambulance lance lanco and Dr J 3 S Richards Once again while the doctor was dress lag Ing his wounds Naylor demonstrated that hl he had plenty of physical courage With ViUl Without out a whimper he underwent treatment at th hands of Dr RIchards refusing to take any opiate to make him insensible to his pain Dr Richards compU complimented the young man b by telling him he had never before seen such V a splendid dIsplay of nerve V VIn In the opInIon of Dr Richards Na Naylor lor had a very close call from fatal injuries As it Is the young man will recover but it will be a long time before ho he wIll V be beable beable able to resume hIs duties V |