Show good rules for the care of teeth the following rules for the care of the teeth and gums are by an eminently successful new york dental surgeon burgeon to begin with go to a dentist and have your mouth put in a healthy condition cleanse teeth night and morning with a soft brush and tepid water brush lengthwise from the gums toward cutting edges rinse the mouth after e each ach meal use quill pick if necessary waxed floss silk is preferable if compelled to take acids medicinally use a glass tube or gargle with a weak aleak solution of soda avoid cracking nuts biting thread drawing corks etc with the teeth if wearing a partial plate leave it out at night and cleanse after each meal avoid tooth soaps and fancy use lise nothing which your dentist does not recommend for sore or loose gums gargle two or three times a day with listerine a teaspoonful to half a glass of water consult a dentist at least every six months prevention is not only better than cure it is less difficult painful and expensive |