Show just common Co minion folk A hundred humble songsters song trin trill the notes that to their lays belong where just ono one nightingale might in the place with Us its transcendent transcend ant song and thus famo cornea comes and with its ll 11 smile A soul with lasting greatness cloaks and lea beasts es a thousand else the while to bo be tor for are just common folks if only sweetest Bwee test bells were rung how we should miss the minor chime it if only grandest poets sung sum bo be no humble lin table little rhymes the modest clinging vines add grace unto the forests giant oats oaks and mid earths mighty la is a place to people with just common folks not they the warriors who shall win upon the battlefield a name to sound above the awful din dim not theirs the painters deathless faint nor theirs the poets muse that linings the rbt ahmic gift his soul invokes votes in theirs but to do the simple things that duty gives elves just common folks they are the multitudes of earth and aad mingle ever in the tea crowd elbowing those of equal birth where nona done became of caste to is proud proad bound by the meshes of 9 fate that sometimes a decree revokes above the lowly neath the great are millions of j jost usa common folks fate has not lifted them above the level of the human plain they share with men a brother love in touch with pleasure and with pain one great far reaching brotherhood with common burdens common yokes and common wrongs and common good gods armyon army of just common folks nixon waterman |