Show ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS discoveries that llave have lately been made blade in the tomb of mention was recently made in a foreign exchange of the disco discovery verv of the tomb of fifth dynasty of wooden an fn models of two companies of egyptian ian soldiers each company consists of forty figures about thirteen inches high fixed to a wooden board in squads of four the figures are colored and have the loin cloth they are equipped with spear and shield the spears are as long as the men and the butts carried on a level with the knee the bronze heads are about one sixth the total length of the spear and are shaped like those of the arabs of f today to day the shields have a square b base ase and come to a point and are inches long ion across the narrow portion is a batten through which the hand passes the second squad are black skinned smaller men and wear a scanty loin cloth their arms are bows and arrows and the arrows tipped with flint with edges chisel shaped and the tips not sharp the egyptian contingent marches in regular order locked up the negro soldiers straggle the latter must have been the irregulars because to use the bow and arrow must have required a loose formation |