Show CAPTAIN STATI starns 18 h a african explorer said to have died in the Ite region glou LONDON june 15 news has been received of the death in the region of captain stairs the explorer who was for some time with stanley on his expedition for the relief of emm emin pasha iasha and whose testimony as to stanleys Stan leys treatment of the roar rear guard created a decided sensation A letter recently received from captain stairs dated lake tanganyika described his p ourn bourney v through german E kast ast africa he 6 spoke p ke in the highest terras terms of th the am german n officials at tabora in the interior there is only one german officer with forty native soldiers yet both arabs and natives are completely under linder the officers power they fear him and many hate haie him but his slig slightest ht order is promptly obeyed and captain stairs found that le he could pass through the country without molestation unfortunately he found the country flooded with gun powder tile the news of captain stairs Stair death is received t C t stairs AL valuable usi ered |