Show mrs W H bancroft of salt lake city was visiting with mrs nellie smith last sunday and a week before miss eva erb daughter of major erb of omaha forme formerly ariy riy of the walker house in salt lake city and mrs nichols of farmington spent the day with her the reunion re union of the kaysville Kays ville farmington and centreville Cen treville bands I 1 took to ok place here on friday last the bands were met by the progress band at chases from which point they all marched into the toy town n playing sweet strains of music the procession was grand to behold after thoroughly serenading sere the town the boys repaired to elk elic horn hall ball where a sumptuous repast was partaken partaker par taken of and a grand bop followed in the evening the hall was artistically decorated for the occasion W william illiam barber who takes great pride in his flower garden had bad quite a number of his choicest house p plants lants placed in various parts of the hall ball all enjoyed themselves well last friday night david smith was riding on horseback near E elk ik horn hall when in some unexplainable way the horse bro broke ke its leg and had to be killed it was a valuable carriage horse thomas ilar harris ris the well known horseman honeman who has been residing just south of salt lake has moved his family to centreville Cen treville where he can again be seen driving his fancy trotters i just after the election some of our republican friends wiro were seen marching up and down the streets bearing the stars and stripes while it is said some of their democratic brethren were in bed with hot bricks to their feet to keep their blood circulating cu aldei B H roberts occupied all the time at the Tabei tabernacle nacie on sunday last elder Parley Parrish recently vis ted the house of parliament and writes many interest ings things to his hia folks about that famous building john parrish is erecting a new seven roomed brick house just north of his fathers the walls are arc up and the root roof nearly on the cott cottage acre 0 will present a fine appearance when finished the boys say it is to be a tenement house but the writer thinks the land lord will go in partners with some local dressmaker dress maker and the firm will be known as mr and mrs john parrish the old barn built many yea years ago by the late president smith ha been torn down and anew a new frame barn erected by george smith prof cedarstrom the phrenologist I 1 is delivering a series of lectures in centreville Cen treville this week |