Show A T IF 8 C 0 0 BANK BAN a K ar FARMINGTON PT UT GENERAL I 1 BANKING f T BUSINESS 9 6 5 per cent interest paid on savings oe de posits compounded quarterly collections maae drafs drawn angll on all principal points deposits can be made in salt lake city at the deseret national aak bask for credit wibb this bank YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED E H T CLARK PRESIDENT L LS S HILLS VICE PRESIDENT A L CLARK CASHIER DIRECTORS john wayman thomas steed J M J H wilcox walter W steed H r DESERET NEWS NE W S T will furnish information for the public concerning agriculture merchandising BANKING REAL ESTATE RAIL ROADS EDUCATION arty ART SCIENCE 9 SPORTING M MECHANISM E C H A N I 1 S my aad every other subject that will interest or instruct people of all ail ages and claisse clas be sure you read SATURDAY TALKS lalai NW I 1 by an ex editor george Q cannon these articles appear in our saturdays issue of the daily news also in the semiweekly and weekly and treat interesting and timely topics in an able way subscription daily news alo 10 pet per year semiweekly semi weekly fa 3 per year weekly 2 50 per year DESERET NEWS publishing COs CO PD 8 S SL L CITY UTAH baurch BICYCLES BIC king of the road absolutely the best all drop forgings forg ings and english stee stel I 1 tubing bearing strictly dust proof elegant designs and light weight send two cent S agents tah FOR FOB twiny PAGO jorj C J monarch ch cycle te ck i lake and halstad st ats CHI VV 1 lost 0 on chand the 0 county road between salt la lake ke and bountiful one package of 1 capers papers and lett letters rs finder l will oblige by leaving at this thi office money to loan money to loan on first class farms apply direct and save sub agents 0 commissions EUGENE LEWIS attorney at law no P 0 SALT LAKE ciry cirr UTAH awarded highest honors worlds fair CREAM I 1 n T ail IX I 1 R MOST PERFECT MADE A i ue ae a grape creain of katr powder 1 ise fron ani pr any other adUlterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD strictly in it the chicago union pacific and northwestern line offers the best accommodations to the traveling public on en route to chicago through trains fast time magnificent sleeping cars elegant dining cars colonist sleepers reclining chair cars and handsome day coaches A parm for sale the NW of section 14 tp 12 N range 3 west 3 miles west from Co linston box elder co utah this tract of land is under the bear river canal and will be sold in bulk or lots of 20 or 40 acres to suit purchasers for far terms apply to L 11 farmington UTAH OUR PATRONS GET Th rought passenger trains through freight trains quick time via the chicago union pacific and north western line to the principal citie east of the missouri river mare for sale or trade A good gentle work or buggy mare for sale or trade for work israel barlow jr bountiful THEREFORE ADVERTISE he looked as wise as au doiy did lie his hia tricks were well adjusted he declined to advertise you see and in a year lie husted isted In dr prices paces cream baking powder worlds fair highest award TO FARMERS for Stude bakers carriages buggies wagons and machinery call on the chas W stayner company compan bountiful utah they have the agency for davis county for all these reliable goods at low prices and on easy terms it will pay you to see them and enquire as to prices lear NL ear coop C 0 store main street bountiful ti fill STODDARD AND franq paint ad grail MUR ORIN m PR PIR CWT THE BEST AMOSKEAG GINGHAMS 16 ads for fori 1 shaker flannels 50 per yard shirting prints 50 per yard COTTON BATTING per roll coffee all kinds per bab arft ilfin tab VP 0 no BOUNTIFUL UTAH the CLIPPER and semi week deseret news one y year ear for 83 32 when cash is paid in advance YES I 1 you can get a portfolio of th magic city in several dif frent stylea style first in eighteen pamphlets at t 1 cents enta each no I 1 is now on sale dij 1 second in cloth at 18 al third in half amoroce at 2 0 ai fourth in full russia at 25 fifth drawing room edition ilo 00 herald for and the salt lake herald has added to and strengthened its service in all departments and is now low publishing 0 a newspaper which abich has no superior in the rocky mountains it is reaching out ont for business and with the purpose of increasing the circle of its acquaintance is offering the daily for a period of 0 33 days from oct ath to nov olli at the following unprecedented flo figures cloures 0 ures for clubs having riot not more t hau 10 nor less than 5 members 30 cents each member for clubs of more than 10 30 cents for 10 members and 25 cents each for additional members no club to have h a V e fewer than 5 members the herald desires to have the name and address of each subscriber sent in with the cash |