Show CAPT S U S N was graduated at annapolis in time to serve in the late civil war ile he next did his share toward suppressing a revolt of chinese coolies in the middle cincha chincha islands he was also in command of the relief squadron which rescued the ariely expedition in 1884 RU RUPTURE CURED FREE people you arvo know and ami eta atam p woon of demelo ve melo A aiMor nr lummia pvn bif 90 b cifu W theres thel V s no choice in bicycles the victor pneumatic tire has no rival it is more durable than any other and the inner tube can be removed in case of puncture in less victors t than five minutes the only inner tube removable are through the rim BEST all victor improvements are abreast with the times and meet every requirement qui rement k OVERMAN WHEEL 00 BOSTON philadelphia DETROIT NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER SAN FRANCISCO 1 4 11 1 11 S B S y ET WH P n f V 0 o has a large and well assorted d stock ef cf Cici girts zis wo m and childrens children S 33 Q E which they are selling at bottom prices they they Ms also carry a large stock of GROCERIES C M R OILS PAINT WOOD FIBER TUBS PAILS RS WRINGERS RS OIL CLOTH w LINOLEUM DRY NOTIONS t GRAHAM FLOUR BRAN abib w SHORTS GRAIN we are selling flour high patent R 1 fancy T bran and shorts mixed 75 FLOUR IN quantities AT A DISCOUNT q CHICAGO LIQUOR HOUSE FRED SHADRA S HADRA proprietor 44 and 46 east south st SALT LAKE CITY UTAH daoa agents for ST LOUIS bottle and A B 0 BOHEMIAN beers been NO CHARGE FOR JUGS WITH GALLON ORDERS bountiful lumber and building CARRY CARBY THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN DAVIS DATIS COUNTY I 1 you are in nee d flu j j I 1 illies fiffik ja a of any description I 1 OR SHINGLES LATH FLOORING SASH DOORS LOCKS BUTTS SCREWS NAILS OR GLASS OF ANY SIZE 1 COME AND SEE SEB WHAT WE HATE AND GET OUR OCR PRICES remember you will not be asked to buy unless prices suit you we have a superior combination fence at the regular price L S HEYWOOD mgr Isaac sens genuine insect powder Reco mended by all TRY IT aron wagons high chairs suits f cots safes Cupboard sp hat racks spring tables hammocks trunks mirrors beds Loun lounges gei brackets mattresses MattreSS CS pictures carriages MAIN ST STREET RUT polish castors cantors Ca BOUNTIFUL curtains poles and trimmings PAINLESS DENTISTRY 1 all work at the lowest prices satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded located at mrs mccaig s house farmington Farmin gion DR DE ELLIS dentist N ow 1 s the time to buy combination F fence david moss is brunnig john lewis combination fence machine and selling good fence at the following follow ing low prices 2 inch chicken fence 38 3 8 lath 70 acts per rod 3 inch field fence fance 34 3 4 picket 75 2 12 i 1 2 inch field fence 34 3 4 picket 82 11 it 2 inch field fence 34 3 4 picket 90 it p I 1 all all A rial haran tid to tn 10 h hafl 06 rint ilisa fir ridic blassi pointing fence ARCO 3 cents bonts of eitra |