Show harrison on oil the chinese law at the regular ii conference ot of the newyork new york methodist preachers revers key Rev DrS dr S L baldwin Baldwi nv recording secretary ot of the missionary society read a letter from president in answer to a protest he had sent the president in regard to the chinese excle blon bill in this letter the president de c I 1 ii r ean 1 dav xav ati t iu ra bilbo ailbe measure inca Eure beta een the house and senate bills and divas was as lenient as it could be made the president deprecated the methods employed ot of smuggling chinese into this country antl and said lie he tell felt the certificate demanded would be a benefit il to the chinese and would assist a them in fit establishing their rights in this country dr baldwin said the united had promised the chinese the same privileges as other nations but our actions did not point to a fulfillment of 0 this oils promise |