Show 4 LOCAL NEWS today is the first of march but the snow bus bits not yet all disappeared mary tolman a six year old daughter of jaren tolman has been seriously ill for some time I 1 of pneumonia but we are pleased to say she is now improving mr and mrs james smedley have taken up their abode in their new and costly cosily furnished home in east t bountiful aud and will be pleased to receive their friends after today the salt lake home dramatic club did land office business in our town last monday evening 0 there was an all extra largo large audience in attendance to witness tile the plays crimson scarf and tears idle tears the bountiful debating and literary society met last monday evening but only to adjourn after doing a little bubines bu sines as many of thu the members wished to attend the theatre the program designed for last week will be carried out next monday evening remember stake quarterly conference will be held in the east bountiful tabernacle next saturday and sunday the reunion of the several choirs of the county will be held in the same house on sunday evening we understand everybody is invited to attend A large concorde con corse of people attended the funeral services held at kays ville over the remains of elder WH barton of that place last sunday elder barton left on a mission to the southern states stales some three or four months ago slid and took sick and died his remains arrived liere here last friday great respect was shown the deceased by people from all parts of the county funeral services were held in the tabernacle last saturday morning over the remains of a thirteen year old son of mrs pullen who was ci ciden lly run over by a train at lehi a few lays days before this young mans father was killed by falling failing from the salt sail lake temple his oldest brother hurt himself by lifting or over doing himself and died from the effects while life this young man was killed by the train bishop call occupied all the time atthe at hie tabernacle sunday treating 0 upon a diversity of important subjects it was the bishops opinion that we have altogether too many man sui gui prise and birthday parties claiming that these are seriously injuring tile day schools students that are up late laic nights said heare but little account when they get to school on oil the following day and when the they get gel behind in their classes it stops the pro giess of those students who nho are arc desirous and able to logo go on oil I 1 he e thought it unnecessary for of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints to join any of the I 1 lodges to protect their families in case of the death of tile llie husband ile he claimed that tile the gosp gospel el included all of these benefits the joint discussion between the representatives of the zeta gamma debating society of the universia university sit y of utah and the bountiful de debating bating and literary society which was beldin held in the opera house last lait saturday evening idt was well attended excellent order prevailed five judges chosen for the occasion fouron four of them decided in favor of the zeta ganima gamma boys and one in favor of the bountiful boys some good speeches were made and some of the spectators suggested r that they believed that one reason that so 80 many dally of tile the judges voted for tile negative was that some of the judges were staunch democrats and consequently could not lot see all any y good qualities in abraham lincoln after A lor the debate the llie time was spent in ill clai dancing chig making speeches etc until it was time for our friends tu to leave to take the 2 0 clock train our salt lake friends numbered about forty |