Show IMPROVEMENTS OX TIE BEAR Telephone System for the Bear Uiver Cannl Company One of the many enterprises to i > e launched In connection with the great Bear River canal system of farms and irrigation by William H Rowe receiver re-ceiver of the Bear Lake and River Waterworks and Irrigation company is a forty mile telephone system which will connect every city in the Bear River valley with Corrinne and provide pro-vide an economical means of control ing the great network of canals The system will be connected witl the Utah system of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company by a wire from Brigham so that direct connec tion with any part of the valley can be secured from this city Active operations oper-ations are to be commenced at once Yesterday Mr Rowe completed the necessary negotiations with Manager Murray of the Boll Bcl Telephone company com-pany which will furnish all of the supplies including instruments The lines will be of the most substantial character and the improvement will require an outlay of in the neighbor hood of 2500 for a starter Our prospects are of an exceedingly flattering nature said Mr Rowe yes terday when he had ended his consul tation with Manager Murray In fact they are a thousand times more so than even I sanguine as I am ever had hopes for The company has money enough at its command to complete any and all of the contemplated improvements im-provements and can carry out the plans prepared early in the year an account ac-count of which has already appeared in The Herald A contract has just been let with a Utah nursery company I Iwe patronize home Industry cnly for HS400 assorted fruit trees which I i I I will be planted upon onehalf of section 23 the remaining half of the section being sown in timothy In addition to I this section we will plant 4000 acres t nay ana grain The 1000 acres planted to wheat last fall is now as green as ameadow and the crop gives I promise of being exceptionally large I During the time since the canal company went into the hands of a receiver re-ceiver we have sold 120000 worth of land in the Bear River valley all un j der the canal This land the people are given ten years to pay for and among the purchasers are sixty families i fami-lies from Davis county Already negotiations nego-tiations are pending for the removal of several large colonies from the east rand r-and even Europe but the company favors fa-vors the home people and will give them the preference The price of water I wa-ter rights has just been halved and the people are showing their appreciation I of the concession which means so much for them The rates nevtr were high I but they are now within the reach of i the poorest The holdings are limited to forty acres Within the next three weeks the entire canal system will be filled with vater A large force of men is now engaged in cleaning the canals and the repairs will be completed in i very short time Everything is all activity in the Bear Rfver valley and the people peo-ple arc confident of an extremely prosperous pros-perous season |