Show MU MMNT 1 1 TEBEtEIT CocEIheres i a Ifery light aud1enc atft elTheatre1Ia9 evening due to the combinecijacte ofa I disagreeable night and the ia choice lof date so closely following DNeiii I Besides the concert here as everywhere every-where ison the waneand to make of such an euteffainmenl the suecess it deserves it takes nowadays about the same active personal7oanvasg that a charity ball requires The audience if lacking in numbers was not at all lacking lack-ing an enthusiasm and nearly every number tnuvery pleasant programme was redemanded Prof Carless waved n L thb baton over an excellent orchestra of sixteen or eighteen pieces and the Boulan er march and the Rigoletto selections were exceedingly i w Jl done Mr Youngs Buzfn oration though not as well doae as we have heard him render it was well received He might make a good deal of the selection se-lection by committing it adopting amore a-more Baglish manner of speech anl making np for the part Mass Maud Bowring a miss o petite that her feet could not reach the pedals of the piano gave a selection on that instrument very cleverly one ho young and being be-ing encored gave a second piece with equal BtrengtQ The young lady will make an accomplished pianist Mr Aldous gave a cornet solo Which was heartily reoaved Orof Trent made a telling hit in a clarionet solo which was redtmauded he is a soloist Fe hope to hear more of Miss Lizaie Thomas shows wonderful I improvement and her rendering of qharming Embarrassment Embarrass-ment with its charming aceompani meats was greatly appreciated The youag ladys progress reflects credit both upon herself and the teacher Prof Care ess llr Pauls humorous readings were immensely received and Mr Pyper hough not in his best voice won a i heavy encore for his eXtcution of an I exquisite song from a night in Venice I Mr Wells selection from Bill Nye brought down the house as his efforts whether humorous or otherwise usually cle and he was called bar twice giving each timo a new and laughable bit Mrs Nellie Pugsleys glorious higli notes told out with fine effect inker in-ker song and she received the very rare compliment of having the audience audi-ence keep their scats after the last number and call her back again cThe concert was a very enjoyable Success artiatically financially we fear it will rather draw from than add te the coffers of the Stake Library As nearly everyone worked for rove however and as those who did not wilt doubtless ire lenient in Their demands the outcome may note > not-e so bad as the house would indicate Mr J M Whiaker who has worked unselfishly and earnestly all along de serves strong credit for his efforts COMING ATTRACTIONS Nellie Boyd in Passions Slave is billed for the Theatre Thursday night The Howard Atha enm Company with the funny Hoey and Daily come Friday and Saturday |