Show SEWER OR NO SEWER The Vital Question of the Hour I I 1500OOO Favor It The Property Owners Who Will Be Taxed THE VIEWS FOR AND AGAINST Dr Bichtrtis tvlli inske a Big FIglit Bishop sharp for Sewerage Walker Wal-ker Brothers Solid Auerbaclis for It To sewer or not to sewerthat is the vital question now agitating tho minds of the people of Salt Lake in general and the inhabitants of the nineteen blocks includid in the proposed sewer district in particular The total valuation of the property within those nineteen bocks as assss sed by the city is 4120050 Will more than half that amount on the morning of October 16th be found to have protested through its owners against the proposed tax and the proposed pro-posed sewer and so defeat the projector project-or will more than onehalf be found to have remained silent and so acquiesce in the plan proposed by the City Council Coun-cil for the formation of sewer district number one Those are questions which probably only the 16th of October can deMnitely answer but as indicating which way public opinion tends on the great ques tion THE HERALD presents interviews with about fifty of the heavy property owners in the district and from a con census of their expressions a pretty I accurate estimate of the opinion of the whole may be obtained In another part of THE HERALD he official notification gives the streets and blocks to b3 effected To simplify the matter and to tell the story at a glance a diagram of the blocks enclosed in the proposed district is given below the figures refer to the number of the blocks the doted lines to the course of the I sewers through the streets though only one line is used whereas double sewers are to be laid on all streets except First Vest and Second East on North Tern pIe there will ba none the connections having to be made with the nearest ineson the east or west and on Fourth South where the main sewer runs west toward the liver the main will be the only one used No property will be I ass sseri except on the blocks shown in the diagramthe opposite blocks facing be sewers not being included 1 I ly C R E l P 86 I r c ill t N 0 i I I L t J t t 7 I r I 77 r l 76 I Ih 75 0 1 I ill t t 7 l J FIIfS7 r t 4 4 t I I r LJ 4r I 9 I 11 70 I J J J1 < 1 t s t J J 1 f fr t ri J e CO i So lrlH w J 1 t I 59 < I 5 81 15 6lr TNlc 0 1 J 0 t TH 1 S 7 I 1 I I I t J t h I J1f I I 5 O 1L1 I 1 I I 5 r v t I > 3 f r I IIr M li A1 O biP I t f l d tiJmf I iW 1 i I i > i u i i i s j 1 rotfiTH SourH i O 7 v t 4 it I1 B i1 LJ f y l or J The complete list of property owners on the various blocks affected with the assessed valuation on every piece of property is also given It will prove a valuable means of reference as the big question progresses towards a settlement settle-ment MB McCoBNicK as a property owner on Main Street and as the member of the City Council who has labored long and earnestly to bring the sewer question ques-tion to a settlement said he was emphatically em-phatically in favor of the pretent ordinance ordin-ance and his property and sucn influence influ-ence as he possessed would vote aye on proposition He viewed it as the most vital step in our progress and said he personally knew of capital which was seeking investment heie which held back till this one problem of l I 1 ib > J v sewering the city was settled Besid s I tbat too he said he did not doubt hut mat it would be a big factor in the determination de-termination of the government to locate I a building here ME JONES the banker said III do not I own any property of my own in the sewer district but I control the vote on some that will favor the sewerage We cant afford to do without it WALKES BROTHERS are absent from the city but they are on record as being be-ing in favor of sewerage and their heavy interests in the proposed district will do an immense amount towards turning the scale Mr Chessman cashier of the Union National said he had not the least doubt that the Walkes would remain silent on the question which will be the effectual way to cast an affirmative vote MB HILLS cashier of the Deseret National bald he could not speak advisedly ad-visedly but he had no doubt that tne bank would favor the plan proposed ME BACON of the Salt Lake Bank had no interests that would vote but bethought be-thought that digging out tin rotten cesspools ViiS the only way of making Salt Lake a permanently b autiful city MB DOOLY of Wells Fargo Co was most emphatic Yes sir every toot ot land I own will go for sewerage and the greater purl of it is vacant land I own thirtythree rods on the block on which Scotts warehouse ia situated and that property Wells Fargo Cos property and everything else for which I am agent will go in favor of sewerage The most vigorous opponent lo the scheme was found in DnJ S RICHARDS a heavy owner on block 73 who recoded himself as intending to tight it first last and all the time I believe 1 shall unite the block on which I own solid against it he Laid Then you are moving to that end j Decidedly What are your reasons I dont believe the city demands it or needs it I have given this thing careful care-ful study and weat myself and inspected in-spected the Walker House the White House the Wasatch ouilding and back of Godbe Pitts Co i tound them literally reeking Sewerage for those places is need d very mucn out such places could counted on the lingers and there is no need of seworing the great district they have mapped out Then would you favor limiting the sewer district to Main Street No I think even that is more than is required Those places 1 have named should be made to deposit their sewage in air thht cesspools and it could then be pumped into air tight I receptacles and cartel away nothing more is needed But what about the growth and progress pro-gress of the city 1 Oh would be A GOOD THING FOR THE CITY I grant But I do not believe the people who are to be taxed want it MB FEED ATJEKBACK speaking for Auerbach Brcs who have an interest in the magnificent Main l Street building now nearing completion and whose possessions in the sewer district reach up to an immense figuresaid We are for it emphatically We view sewerage sew-erage for a city that intends to grow as being as much a necessity as light and water In the East any city that amounts to anything has paid the first attention to sewerage No weve don our last building in Salt Lake until we have sewerage BISHOP t LAWSON could hardly speak for the Salt Lake Theatre but he took the view that the first thing to decide was to find water enough to sewer with otherwise wed have sewer gas enough to contaminate the citv He would like to know tco where ih sewage was to be dumped But said the reporter the question is first do the people want sewerage Suppose Sup-pose these things were assured what would the vote of the I Theatre bet Why then as far as I am concerned I should favor sewerage ALOUZO YOUNG said ha thought Woe He y Young tt Hardy would favor I it and he knew he and his brother H i S Young who owned property on I First South wanted sewerage HENnY W LAWRENCE who in his own name and that of the KimBall estate represents property assessed at about 125000 was in favor of sewerage I think it ought to be done but as little hardship as possible ought to be worked and certainly every precaution should be taken JAMES T LITTLE in response to the question Do you favor sewerage replied Yes sir He said he thought all the beneficiaries of his fathers estate would also favor It GEORGE ROMNEY who is personally a heavy owner as well as a director in Z 0 M I said he had not yet made up his mind what position he would take on the question He had not yet given oIL 4 c IJoJ the subject consideration enough to make up his mind but he recognized that something should be done MAYOB ABMSTBOHG was not disposed to talk Said he If the Council will decide what they are going to do with the sewage I will decide what to do on the question of sewer district No 1 Finally he said If the intntion is to put the sewage in the Jordan River 1 am opposed to it But if it is to betaken be-taken over Jordan and utilized there I am for it I do not propose to support sup-port anything that will destroy our salt industry which js ot more value to us than the Ontario mine Many of the people who have so much to say about putting it into the lake do not know that we are furnishing i I furnish-ing the whole country for 500 I miles around with salt and that there arc few industries here that give I better promise of success than the I making of salt from the lake Ii i MB BEN R ELDHSDGE was unable to say what position his fathers estate would take upon the subject No action bad been taken and he could not say what would DB HAMILTON undoubtedly favored sewerage If it were taken over Jordan there was no doubt whatever of its practicability Personally he thought i it was perfectly feasible to run it through the Jordan If the Jordan was a faster stream the doubt would bs done away with also MR JAMES B GLASS represented 50 000 worth of property all of which wanted sewerage ELIAS MORRIS said he favored sewerage sewer-age All the light he had on the subject made him favor it BISHOP JOHN R WINDER who s personally per-sonally a propertv owner and also a director of the Z OM I had not formed an opinion strong enough yet to justify his giving expression to it He guessed he would ne enabled to decid before the date was up MR W A ROSSITEB represents between be-tween 150000 and 200 000 worth of property as assessed I would favor sewerage if I could see two points clearly said he First where the necessary water wag to come from second where the sewerage is to be put These are yet unsolved problems As soon as it is decided to adopt sewerage sewer-age the people who own water will ask three prices for it As soon also as it is decided to empty it on land over Jordan Jor-dan five prices will be asked for it The land and water once obtainedthen I am for sewerage BISHOP SHARP who owns the north end of tho Deseret Bank Building lately vacated bv the Pacific Express Company Com-pany said he was for sewerage J K GILLESPIE of Kelsey Gil lespieYes sir we favor sewerage decidedly Why on the property we own sewerage will cost lisa than the I cesspool we would have to dig FRANK W JENNINGS said that all his property on the business streets and that near Eagle Gate would go solid for sewerage W H SHEBMAN spoke for about 20000 of property as assessed Of course he favored sewerage aLd tae property he represented would stand for it He had dubiety as to methods but was not sufficiently familiar to determine de-termine whether toe proposed plan was wise or not but he was m hearty support sup-port of the principle and recognized its necessity for this city MB HENRY DIr > W ODEY said the idea that he should inform himself about toe matter had come to him this mjrning and he would look it up He cartainly would not Sdy he was opposed to it but was not yet In a position to say what he would do on tne present proposition propo-sition That the city ought to have it he knew out wlitf opposing considerations considera-tions there might ba he did not know yetMB MB T W JENNINGS said Yes sir Im in for it every time We all want it If this system of cesspool buildintr I shall go on it will soon be impossible to build a decent block here as its walls will settle and fall from tbe displacement of ground by the seepage seep-age of cesspools and toe weaken otfoundatlons He already knew buildings build-ings that were in danger from it The center of the blocks were being perforated perfor-ated with cesspools and the larger the buildings the more numerous would be I I the cesspools So far as he knew bo h the Jennings and Hooper estates were solid for sewerage MB L C KABBICK was asked Ate you going to protest against sewerage or not 1 Si am going to protest in favor of it we will never have another large building go up here until sewerage is introduced and I believe I know several sev-eral five or six story buildings that will go up without delay if the proposition i carries It means an increase of ten thousand p ople who will find work within a jear and an influx of nun aT d means JOHN LLTIN had not made up his mind but certainly would not go aganet it if it were nee e 1 KAHN BROTHERS were for it had been and would be LEVI W RICHARDS said he had considered con-sidered the matter and tried to determine deter-mine what would be for the best interests of the community and he was opposed to it Save in a few instances he did not think it necessary HARRY CULMEB for Calmer Brothers said We hold up both hands on the proposition and if we had another would hold it up in favor cf paving tbe streets with asphaltum MULLOY PAuLAre we in favor 01 sewerage Yesevery time MAT CULLEN is east but there is little doubt of his favoring sewerage for his elegant hotel building A KEYEEB Mr Keyser was at dinner I din-ner when our reportercalled He took a recess long enough however to inform in-form the newspaper man that he was an advocate ot sewerage and wanted a system adopted in this city JOSLIN PABK Mr Park was seen He was an advocate of sewerage and m his opinion it could not be inaugurated inaug-urated too soon Denver at one time found herself in about the same position posi-tion as we do now She looked around for a remedy and found it in sewers Sewerage must come and the sooner the better GEORGE M ScoTTMr Scott is absent in New York and while not authorized to speak for him on this particular qjestion a gentleman who knows him very intimately said there could be no question but that he viewed the subject in u favorable light If nothing else had made him a convert his elegant new block on Main Street would do it JOHN M YOUNGI am not a bloated I bondholder but I own a little property on Second South Street I should like very much to know that a sewer would be laid past it GEORGE LAMB ERr of the News said that company was squarely against it oL i i < k k B G RAYBOULDI am voting yes on this proposition I believe it will increase in-crease my property ten times its ires entvalue If I keep it I want a sewer if I sell it 1 would much rather sell with a sewer than without one H BBI3ACHEB Record my vote yes n GBOESBECK BEOS William Groes beck speaking for this firm said We are for sewerage and will vote fir it with both hands and feet BOLIVAR R BEETS has been in favor of sewerage from tne first and has not changed his views J G BBOOKS This gentleman left for Europe on Monday last out Mr S H Aueroacn who is his agent and therefore familiar with his sentiments says that no protest against sewei age will be heard from Mr Brooks W S GODBE This gentleman is now I in New York out his son states that he is strongly in favor of sewerage P W MAD JtNA system ol sewt rage will be very expensive and while n will be of great advantage to the not el men ana tt lew other 1 oo not think the citizens generally will derive any great aavuntuBe from i jpur that reason I am opposed iu it DB PRENTICE speaking on the matter mat-ter saiu tile sewage would DB perfectly salt 11 it were luneu imo onit Luau It could neer get 300 yaras teyoud the snore aria would never De neeu again after it had once been carneu one to mat uiaiauce He c tea ot Louis whcti claimed to have au tine ttrinkmg water na could be uesireU ana yet tne river at that point had recd < ed the sewage iroiu close on 2uuuUUU people lii our lUKe it would never uo known Z 0 Al I It is impossiole to tell waat position tuis inscuunoa will tae on sewerage It is a matter that must oe determined oy me directors ana thu only ones who could oe ascii yesterday yester-day were Hon John sharp George Uomney Eq and Bishop John K Wiuaer Bianop Saarp it may oe assumed as-sumed will layer the prupuamuu as he nas already ezprebacd nimteu that way but neither Bisn ps Wmaer nor Komney were prepared to eipieoa any opinion whatever Inc remainder of tne director are out 01 the city ana could not be seen GrEfciERAL Many persons were willing to talk Ireely ou toe question to the reporters but coum not express tnein selves for publication Said meg ntle man I do nut think the Xews puts the question airly at all Toe Council has already spent enough money on sewerage plans end the like if me people peo-ple do not want sewerage To say that every arrangement should be made for sewerage where to put it and so forth before n is known that the people WBII tit t-it is just like saying a man should build a barn buy a carriage and harness har-ness before he knows whether he wans a horse The people as I understand under-stand it are not akcd to decide where the sewage is to go or what tlau is to bi adopted but whether they want it to go anywhere anti Want tae Council to adopt some plan Tuc wisest course has bee i pursued Said another It looks like a piece of cowardice on the part of the Council to turn it over to the people They feared the responaibiity They ought to have gone ahead and decided themselves and not have created all thjs excitement excite-ment and wake the people up against each other If a man has a heart in him as big asa as-a chicken said a welltodo businessman business-man he would never vote against sewerage Let him go to the cemetery and see the little headstones that grow up there 1ke sunflowers and he could not ilaep at night if he should protest against a system that would pus a stop to this slaughter of innocents baid one business man celt is all very well for the welltodo and the croakers to say that the boom created delicious values that have done no good but I know that the 3000 OCO which came into Salt Lake during the period called the boom lifted the mortgage from many a home and saved many a citizen from the verge of ruin Look at the releases of mortgages mort-gages which the Recorders office shows and see whether it was a huit to the town I tell you had it not been for this 3tOO 000 people would have known harder times in Salt Lake City this year than have been experienced ex-perienced in years We ought to have sewerage I know of thousands and thousands or dollars that only await the inauguration of sewerage to invest here and instead of three and four story buildings going up there wilt be five and six stories It makes me lired for people to say these movements are artificial They are better than cir cusses excursions mines and railroads for they all take money out while the much despised boom leaves every dollar here NOTES UNASSESSED PROPERTY In the sewer district is included the Temple Block City Hall Social Hall Methodist Presbyterian Catholic Congregational Con-gregational acd other churches besides be-sides many schools none of whbh appear ap-pear on the assessment roll It is understood however that they are liable for the local tax for rQrageTt the measure is adopted The question is on what basis they are to be assessed The amount to be raised is 30000 The 14120050 whch is the assessed value of the property in sewer distinct number 1 taxed at 2 per cent will cover the estimated costs If the the unassessed property is tobe taxed also the amount raised will be in excess of the 80000 THE CESSPOOL ABEA It is contended by many that the district dis-trict covers more ground than is necessary neces-sary and that the object of making it so extensive was to kill the plan The reply is that complaint has been made that the cesspools were ruining the city and the district is tbat in which the cesspools abound To make the plaster efficient it was designed to cover the whole sore The district named is honeycombed with cesspools There is water from te mains in nearly every house and as its owned in the main by well todo people the Connc 1 1 decided that it would give them all a chance to opposa that for which they had clamored THE 80000 mentioned as the estimated esti-mated cost for laterals includes an allowance al-lowance for engineer service which ian i-an indispensable item UP to last evening Re order Wells stared that no protests jren received re-ceived v |