Show The Public Sidewalks SALT LAKE CITY June G 1885 To the Editor of THE HERALD It really does seem as if the city authorities au-thorities were a little neglectful in regard re-gard to the condition of the sidewalks I am not about to advocate auy expensive ex-pensive grading But this thing should be doneevery sidewalk in the open streets of the city should be put and kept in decently usable condition for the purposes for which it was laia out Every sidewalk should be leveled sufficiently iciently tomake pedestrianism upon it reasonably comfortable All cobblestones cobble-stones should be removed from the sidewalks side-walks and this whether the stones are loose or partially embedded Where the walks are of soft soil a few loads of fine gravel would improve them materially and the cost would be little Too thick a coat of gravel especially if of the loose kind is not good Better put a thinner coat on first and then another thin coat on in two or three years time if desirable desir-able Some of our much frequented public sidewalks are an abomination because be-cause of abounding stones and other impedimenta If the owners of lots ad joinin the sidewalks will not put the latter m fairly passable condition the city authorities ought to do it and if necessary charge to the owners of the lots after proper notice This is a thing that ought to be looked after with more sharpness than it has been People t should not be I eat flood the sidewalks side-walks and make them miry with their waste irrigating water or any other water Nor should private irrigating ditches be allowed uncovered across the sidewalks nor if covered be allowed owed to fall into bad condition There is a piece of sidewalk a quarter of a mile or so long just east Of Eagle Gate that is a disgrace to the city and has been for a quarter of a century If the owners of lots adjoining that piece of sidewalk and the city tooare too poor to put the sidewalk in decently travelable condition would it not be well to invite Bishop Preston to take a hand pulling out the cobblestones and covering the walk with a coating of gravel That failing I dont think it would be a hard matter to get up a sub cription to have this desirable improvement improve-ment effected Many people would will ngly contribute a dollar each towards such a very much needed reform I have no doubt On the opposite side of the same street there are some uncom fortably large stones on the sidewalk which ought to be removed by some body > A block or two further eastwards eastward-s a very dangerous private water ditch a foot or more wide and twice as deep Perhaps it will be covered up when a few limbs have been broken by falling into it on dark nights Let us have some thing done something effective and sat isfactory at remedying these objectionable objection-able places in the sides of the public streets and the public will rejoice accordingly cordingly CITIZEN |