Show 1 LAX1 FOR THE ASYLUM The Memorial of the Legislature to Congress Following is the memorial adopted by the late Legislature and forwarded to Congress It explains itself To the Honorable the Senate and Homcof Representatives of the United State in Oanyfea Assembled Genllemcn Your memorialists the Governor and Legislative Assembly the Territory of Utah would most respectfully res-pectfully represent that the Territory Terri-tory of Utah has just completed one wing of the Territorial Insane Asylum at a cost of over 100000 Said asylum is situated at the base of the Wasatch mountains just east of Provo City in Utah County Utah on theN E quarter of section 5 and SE quarter of section 0 Township 7 south Range 3 east Salt Lake Meridian U S Survey as shown by the accompanying map Immediately Immedi-ately east of said asylum the mountains moun-tains rise very abruptly to an elevation of several thousand feet and are of no practical value either for agricultural or grazing purposes but being in such close proximity to the Asylum it is very desirable that they should be owned and controlled by said institution institu-tion Your petitioners would respectfully re-spectfully petition your honorable body to convey by grant to the Territory of Utah for the use of the Territorial Insane Asylum the following land to witEast East half southwest quarter south half northeast quarter ana northwest quarter of section 5 all of section 4 north half of section 3 east half northwest north-west quarter and northeast quarter se tiou 8 north half northwest quarter and north half northeast quarter section sec-tion north half section 10 on the un surveyed part Of township 7 south of ranges eastof the Salt Lake meridian United States Survey And as in duty bound your petitioners petition-ers will ever pray prayV W JilTEr Speaker of the House of Reprcsenta tives ELIAS A SMITH President of the Council ELI B MURRAY Governor Utah Territory |