Show V France and China Shanghai 30A11 the French left Canton It is now aeserted have that Admiral Courbstt left the Mm to river with the intention of going Canton The Chinese military commander com-mander everywhere have received all to attack the imperial l ordei French war ships and merchant vessels which attempt to enter leading treaty portsand those in port are ordered to depart immediately Telegrams for the Chinese govern > meat lines are not accepted unless written in Eogllsh Paris 30 Qen Mellet has asked of the to be relieved of the command French forces in Tonquin on the ground of illhealth Government has consened and appointed Gen Brieiie Deiiale to succeed him Admiral Peyron minister of marine ma-rine received the following from Admiral Courbet MIN RiVBBFriday August 29th 6 p m cxpresson of Thanks for your satisfaction on the part of government govern-ment I cannot too warmly praise the officers and crews The operations opera-tions in Min River are concluded they were amended with complete success all batteries along ihe river were destroyed and moat of the cannon exploded with gun cotton we were obliged to leave some intact Some men in order to reach them would have been exposed to heavy musketry fire to which no reply would have Dcen poisiole All our ships left Mm river today and several have fllreldy reechtd Malson anchorage Shall arrive there tomorrow to-morrow with the Dneuy and the Trouin The latter served as my flagship since Monday Our losses during the week are ten killed including in-cluding cue officer and thirteen seriously se-rIously and twenty eight slightly wounded In the Mingan and Kin pan channels were several casmated batteries two of these cUd from 12 to 30 centimeters thick with plated of sheet iron bolted together The calibres of the Chinese guns rancod from 14 to 21 centimeters Minister Ferry sunt the following to Oourtiet The country which hailed you as the victor of Sontay is deed now your debtor for another The government of the Republic is happy to express the natIons grill anJ tudo to your admirals crews their glorious leader London 30 The Pall Mall Gas ette eays There is not the slightest foundation for the report that China wishes to come to an agreement Chinese con with Frauce The I sider the Foe Chow affair as an act of treachery on the part of Courbet who took the advautsge accorded to war ships to enter Cainoie ports of the BarbarctiS of continuing to fire hours after the Chinese vessels hail ceased There is cause for intense in-tense excitement against Europeans |