Show rio S cduosou of Patent Foci Washington 18 Secretary Teller will uot in his annual report recommend recom-mend a reduction of the cost of obtaining ob-taining a patent He is pursuaded to this course from the fact that the patent laws aro the most liberal of any country in the world In England it cost SljQO to obtain a fourteen year patent In Germany over S600 in Russia about 5400 and in Canada abuut 140 while here it costs but about thinyGve dollars for a seventeen seven-teen year patent It is not thought by the commissioner of Patents Marble that a reduction in this would materially increase the number num-ber of patents taken out or stimulate stimu-late invention as the small fee is within the reach of all He says a large revenue is now derived from this source No argument in favor of reduction will ba made unless it be shown that the fees bear heavy upon deserving inventors i |