Show WHY THIS WHICHNESS A Herald Man Meanders Through a Web of Anomalies An-omalies The objects of the appointment of tbe Edmund Commission EO far as the originators ol the legislation were concerned was the Immediate overthrow cf Mormon political power and the election ct Liberals to all the offices in the Territory It was confidently expected and insanely in-sanely predicted that the creation of such a commission would break i the backbone of the Peoples party and place In control the transient adventurous element which has so long sought to seize the reins or the local government lbs disfranchising dis-franchising of polygamists in the minds ot the abettors of the plan was to be the signal for the complete com-plete defeat of the old settlers and the elevation of the thirty day rest dent The owners and possessors of the soil and its adornments were to be placed under the heel of adventurers who carried in their pockets return tickets for the eastern States and every office in the gift of the people was to be given tj men whose only qualification qualifica-tion was that they had mide themselves them-selves especially obnoxious to the majority of the voters A grand and glorious time was expected ex-pected and thera was high glee in certain quarters in anticipation of the good times coming Many a big druuk has been indulged in on the strength of the earning victory but the subsequent headache has shown the uncertainty of calculations calcula-tions based upon false premises The general government has been bled to the extent of 1000 ptr week directly and perhaps 1000 per day indirectly to support the Commission Commis-sion with all its dips spurs and angles and yet the liberal candidates candi-dates with ponderous brains and a super abundance of loyalty pine as pineth the lonesome mulligrub The commissioners fly mound like comets the whereabouts of which no political astronomer can define and the only thing of which anyone any-one can be at all certain regarding them is that they are not at home Never perhaps In the history of political monkey tricks has there been a more ccmpleto fiasco than that played here under the nama of Commission that is from the standpont of the desires and predictions pre-dictions of its begetters Note the ignominious fizzle of the late election elec-tion in whfch the brave ninety one displayed its short shirted agility ala a-la hero of the Governors Kentucky yarn Lock out you uns In the days of the crazy old Mc Grorty who need to deliver his Liberal speeches twenty years ago in what is now the Salt Lke Beer Hall there was more political strength among the Liberals than there is now wih the silverplate commiesion and the brassmounted Governor as directors of the Music of the Union AlaI and ala And to think that it must be confessed the chief organ of the Liberal element el-ement feels so badly over it that it has lost interest in the elections I The financial burden of the hard times in Zion or some other influence in-fluence has busted tbe windbag of the concern and it has officially announced that the elections and all the other paraphernalia of the Liberal aide show can takn cite of themselves until there shaH be stronger indications as to which way the Presidential cat is going to jump |