Show ANOTHER DIVORCE CASE The Wife of H W Cole Asks to be Freed From Her Husband In the Probate Court yesterday through Woods Hoffman her attorneys attor-neys Ellen Manning Cole daughter to Mr John Manning of this city and wife of Howard W Cole filed a complaint com-plaint asking for a bill of divorce and the custody of her child She states in her complaint that she was married to the said Cole on April 5th 1875 and that one child Lily has been the result of the union that her husband left herself her-self and child on the 30th of December 1882 that he has failed to provide either of them with the necessaries of life since that time and that she has been compelled com-pelled to labor for their support she turther states that to the best of her information in-formation and belief the said Cole sometime some-time in April 1834 contracted another marriage the city of Portland Oregon with one Mary Pollock with whom he has ever since been living she asks on these grounds therefore that she be granted an absolute divorce and given the custody of her child Cole is the individual who formerly kept a brokers office in Godbe Pitts Co s store and played the horn in one Qf the local bands He was indicted for robbing the gentlemen named above but the case has never been prosecuted |