Show iR JAWHINS REASONS V V 1l Zerq Snowr RiCS to I fq > l ilt iiV WHY 3ffi RAWLINS DECLINED A Slight lyHsunderstantUng as to the Causesthat Induced Him to Withdraw r r V V r yj f IIJ I V Elitors Herald V SALT LIKE CITY November 21 < 4 In your issue pf November 20th your reporter saw fit to lay up some capitrfL for soihe one at the expense of the committee com-mittee of arrangements for the Democratic Demo-cratic jollification meeting by announcing an-nouncing through the local columns the fact that Mr J L Rawlins had been listed as one of the public speakers and that Mr Rawlins did not speak intimating inti-mating that he had been listed as a speaker without his consent In your issue of today the following paragraph occurs likewise in the local columns and presumably from the same pen uIt is only justice to Mr Snow and others interested in the LiberalDemo cratic meeting to say that Mr Rawlins originally consented to be one of the speakers It is only justice to Mr Rawlins to say that he withdrew as soon as the recent platform was promulgated pro-mulgated A fitting sense of full and complete com-plete justice as well to Mr Rawlins as to the Territorial Democratic committee commit-tee which Judge Rosborough chairman chair-man and V the committee of arrangements arrange-ments for the Democratic celebration I of which I was secretary would have I prompted a publication of all that was said on the occasion which brought out the above local and at the expense of being tedious I beg you will permit me to say Mr Rawlins at no time placed his failure to speak at the meeting referred re-ferred upon anj thing contained in the declaration of principles published over the signature of J B Rosborough chairman and J G Sutherland secret secre-t try His engagement to speak was contingent upon his ability to fulfill a previous appointment and his failure to speak grew out of his inability to fulfill ful-fill the two Mr Rawlins did say it was only after the publication of the declaration de-claration bf principles above referred to that he discovered he could not meet both appointments did take objection to the clause endorsing further legislation legisla-tion on the polygamy question not be because he was not in favor of a moral reform on that subject but because in his opinion legislation on that question from the general government was undemocratic I un-democratic Further legislation he admitted ad-mitted was needed but thought it should come from among ourselves our-selves Mr Rawlins also disliked the manner in which the manifesto from the central committee was published and the test therein suggested for Democracy intimating that the only true test was public action and public utterance These were objections as to means not ends and on the question of I principles lie expressed himself as in entire en-tire harmony with the manifesto with the single objection above noted Why therefore your reporter should in his efforts to correct one injustice inflict in-flict another I cannot conceive for in the same issue of your paper is published pub-lished as local news an admirable platform plat-form of the Young Mens Democratic Club appearing over the signatures of IT L Eawlins President and John H Burton Secretary which clearly shows I that if there is any difFerence oetcen I Democrats it is a difference as to I methods and means not one of principles princi-ples As evidence 01 this I refer the reporter to Articles 3 4 7 8 and 9 of the V Young Mens platform If the division I among Democrats on the question of means is to be harmonized a statement of only half the truth will riot promote I that harmony ZEBA SNow I V There seems to be a misunderstanding I between our reporter and Mr Snow I which probably only Mr Rawlins can clear up Our reporter met both these gentlemen on Thursday conversing together to-gether V Mr Snow hailed him and said Here is Mr Rawlins I would like to ask him before you whether or not he consented to speak at the recent meeting MrRawlins replied that he had originally done so and our reporter re-porter certainly understood him to add But that was before the platform was II formulated Mr Snow asked him what Ue objected to in the platform He replied re-plied that it was both the manner of its I formulation and some of what it contained con-tained that it prescribed what every mans Democracy should be that itp quired every man to sign what were the framers views and that they seemed I I to say that in us is embodied I Democracy anything else is sham He stated that no man could say whether he Mr Rawlins was a Democrat Demo-crat or not because if he was it was in him andno committee > could rule it out of him Our reporterleft the two gentlemen gen-tlemen arguing this question He took no notes of the conversation and the I above is given merely as the result of I I his recollection There was something said of another engagement as Mr Snow states but our reporter certainly undsrstood that it was only urged as a secondary reason for Mr Rawlins absence ab-sence from the jollification |